Dolphins get high on pufferfish

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  1. Avatar Ellen Watts says:

    Oh, my word!!
    I had a great belly laugh over this…my deceased daughter had an obsession with dolphins – even found herself a boyfriend in Florida so she could be where the dolphins and the white sandy beaches were!!
    The dolphins were with them right before the accident that fateful day, as she had called me at work while the dolphins were all around their boat to express how awesome it was and how she wished I was there. She had also expressed some worry that it was getting on in the day and everyone else had already gone back to shore, and the water was getting a bit choppy.
    I told her to tell her fiance that it was time to get back. She never called that evening, but it really didn’t cause concern as she always forgot to call.
    She almost made it back the 9 miles to shore, but hypothermia got her just before. She was found the next morning by some fishermen. He was never found.
    Gosh, I haven’t talked about this in some time – getting emotional – surprise – yea – it’s been 16 years now. I miss her still every single day. But I really don’t cry much about it anymore.
    This story is so awesome, bc she always hated the fact that I smoked marijuana … and just the fact that she ADORED dolphins, and to know that they like getting high would have been so funny to see her reaction when she found this out – she would have just had the cutest reaction ever!!

    Thanks for the great peek at the real lives of these gorgeous creatures – heartwarming and FUNNY!!!!
    That’s THE BEST combination!!!

    Love and Light

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