Pseudanthias timanoa – New Caledonia’s Sunrise Anthias gets Official Description

Pseudanthias timanoa is a new species of anthias just described from New Caledonia, but the aquarium hobby has known about this unique fairy basslet for some time now. Way back in 2013 when Pseudanthias privitera and P. aurulenteus were all…

Video of the recently discovered New Caledonia Sunrise Anthias

The beautiful new Sunrise Anthias that was discovered by Antoine Teitelbaum in New Caledonia and photographed by Quality Marine has now gotten its turn behind the videographer’s lens. Thomas Brown had his camera on hand and at the ready on…

Sunrise Anthias is a new species discovered in New Caledonia by Quality Marine collectors

The Sunrise Anthias is a super fresh, recently discovered species of Pseudanthias Anthias from New Caledonia. With their exclusive partnership to Short Supply Chain collectors of reef fish from New Caledonia, Quality Marine is the first marine life dealer to ever…