With 60-70 participants and about 400 attendees the third ReefStock was the best show yet. The crowd came early and it stayed late for the ReefScape competition, the talks and the raffle. While we were doing all we could to oil the gears of the show, we had the great fortune to get in touch with avid ReefBuilders reader Adam Knudson who volunteered for extreme photography duty. The images you will see over the next couple days are mostly his and we thank him from the bottom of our tropical saltwater heart for documenting every square inch of this show. Continue reading for the first onslaught of pictorial inundation.
Hard work vendors and exhibitors line up for their well deserved meal of gruel.
ReefNutrition has long been a leader in trade show booth presentation.
We had well over a dozen coral frag slingers with several thousand frags and small colonies to pick from.
John and Jake speak with Scott about a new environmental controller.
Dr. Paul feels up some of the new Marco Geode rock.
The ReefStock shwag bag was bursting at the seams with literature, catalogs and free samples.
Ocean’s Paradise brought many nice captive raised specimens of clownfish, anemones and cardinalfish.
Thomas and Stephane from AquaMedic go over the game plan with Shaun about the AquaMedic strategy for the show.
Guin shows off a double Fancy Ocellaris that was hand picked to her specifications.
Marc and Scott talk to John about the thirsty Ecoxotic booth display tank.
Reefkoi gets subjected to a little tomfoolery during the evening of setup.
The coral frag slingers eye up the competition, perhaps making some ‘first minute’ deals before the doors swing open.
Wes looks over his frag booth lit up by a DIY LED light.
There were many fine clownfish donated to the livestock raffle including a wyoming white and two onyx clowns from Ocean Gallery II and a pair of semi’cassos and semi’flakes from ORA.
We can always count on Dirk to bring out a ton of great books, we hear he sold quite a few at this show.
Midwest Saltwater came all the way to Denver to represent their full range of reef aquarium ceramic shelves, ledges and frag stations.
Perfect Australian scolymias lined up like trophies in the aquarium of Mile High Aquatics.
Joy from ReefBrite Prepares to demonstrate their full line of LED, halide and T5 lighting products.
We almost had to charge Dirk extra for all the vertical space he was using.
Elite Reef showed off their affordable line of cone shaped protein skimmers.
Seachem displayed their extensive and mature full line of aquairum products, including the new 2-part solution called Reef Fusion.
Piscine Energetics erected this fine booth what seems like minutes before opening the doors
Sustainable Aquatcs brought many nice captive raised and captive bred fish
Someone had to take a nap in the middle of the afternoon.