Every day is a good day when we hear of saltwater fish being bred in captivity, and Biota has announced that it has added not one but two new species to its growing portfolio of captive-bred fish. First is the…
Search Results For: angelfish
Inverse Coral Beauty is one of the Best Aberrant Angelfish we’ve seen
The Coral Beauty is often a Reefer’s first introduction to marine angelfishes. They are relatively hardy, easy to keep, cheap, and widely available, but this can also work against them when more seasoned reefers prefer something, well, a bit rarer.…
Golden Reef Solomon Islands FINDS PAIR of Aberrant Bicolor Angelfish
Golden Reef Solomon Islands L.T.D has collected not one but two aberrant Bicolor angelfish, and what’s more, they’re a pair! Bicolor angelfish, Centropyge bicolor, are widespread throughout the Indo-Pacific, from East Africa to the Samoan and Phoenix Islands, north to…
Flashback Friday – Jake’s Love for Hybrid Angelfish
Get into tropical marine fish identification and it won’t be long before you come across the fascinating world of interspecies hybrids. Jake Adams loved hybrids, one of the last messages he sent us was of a suspected hybrid Convict/Polyzona tang…
Monsoon’s Lemonpeel Angelfish hybrid is Rare Find from the Great Barrier Reef
Monsoon Aquatics has collected a striking Lemonpeel hybrid angel with a spotted tail. Lemonpeel hybrids usually come from the Pacific Islands but this one was collected on the Great Barrier Reef. We asked Monsoon’s Dan Boserio and Mark Tate for…
Reef Safe Angelfish: What’s the Secret?
Have you ever owned a reef-safe angelfish? A hot topic of discussion that has yet to be answered. If you peruse the forums, you will find yourself reading a multitude of different opinions. Some believe they will get lucky and…
Regal x Tiger Angelfish could be the first cross-genera hybrid
Prolific angelfish breeders Poma Labs announced the news of not one but two exciting breeding successes this week. The first is the Yellow-Ear Angelfish, Apolemichthys xanthotis, the 19th Angelfish species bred by the leading aquaculturists and they believe, the first…
Golden Nebula Angelfish is a Griffis x GoldFlake Backcross Hybrid
Singapore fish store Iwarna Aquafarm is showing off a stunning hybrid angelfish that we believe to be a cross between the Griffis Angelfish, Apolemichthys griffisi, and a Goldflake/Griffis hybrid (A.xanthopunctatus x A.griffisi). The Apolemichthys genus includes many beautiful and highly…
Tiger Angelfish Bred by Poma Labs for the First Time
It feels like we are living in a Golden Age of Angelfish breeding as this week, Dr. Matt Wittenrich, Co-Founder & CEO of Poma Labs Inc, announced that his company has bred and raised the Tiger angel, Apolemichthys kingi, for…