The yellow carpet anemone recently discovered by Outback Aquatics might be the last shade of the rainbow to be seen in this beautiful reef animal. We’ve seen and enjoyed some amazing specimens of Stichodactyla carpet anemones in blue, red, green,…
Search Results For: carpet anemone
Get A Look at this Rainbow Carpet Anemone!
Back in my day, bright blue or purple carpet anemones were the bee’s knees, and I distinctly remember where I was when I heard there were RED carpet anemones, and again when I first saw one. That’s all ancient history now because…
This red carpet anemone in Bali is looking incredible!
Red carpet anemones are one of the most exotic clownfish-hosting anemone on the reef. I had lusted for brilliant Red Sea blue and purple carpet anemones for a decade before i found out about the existence of this fascinating reef creature…
Yellow carpet anemones add to an already diverse color palette of Stichodactyla
The yellow carpet anemone is the latest Stichodactyla color variation to reveal itself not through pictures or hearsay but through actual living specimens. Global Reef Supply this week received not one but a handful of beautiful yellow carpet anemones which look…
Red carpet anemone and tricinctus clownfish filmed at Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands
Red carpet anemones were once only the purview of imagination and hearsay. Nowadays red carpet anemones do appear in the aquarium trade, even if they can cost as much as a full nano reef set up sometimes. All of the red…
John Sorkness is the God of Gig Anemones
Salem Clemens talks to John Sorkness about Carpet Anemones, how to ID them, keep them, propagate them, and maybe even spawn them! Tell us what got you into the hobby, how long you’ve been in it, and your passion for…
What to do with a Dead Anemone
Dead anemones are not only a shame, a loss of life, and a financial loss, if not diagnosed and dealt with quickly they can make a real mess of your tank. Here’s what to do if you find a dead…
Rhodactis bryoides: The shroom that thought it was an anemone!
Thanks to our friend and colleague Joe Rowlett’s book Indo-Pacific Corals new insights were provided on many different coral families. One new development I found particularly interesting concerns the taxonomy of corallimoprh since not much new work has been done…
A Multilevel Display for Shrooms, Chalices and Anemones [Video]
In our latest video we showed off the new incarnation of our Mode retail rack system which has been an integral part of the Reef Builders Studio for several years now. The multitiered aquarium system was initially purposed as a…
This is why Lobophyllia flabelliformis is Called ‘Carpet Lobo’
While ‘coral-ing’ in North Bali, we came upon an insane colony of Lobophyllia flabelliformis we couldn’t resist to photograph and share with you. But we came across while foraging for coral observation in North Bali, a colony of Lobophyllia like…