Review Of A Small Controllable Return Pump: The Waveline DC 2500

Before I put away my Waveline DC 2500 controllable water pump for later use, I wanted to share with you what it’s been like to own a device like this. This is less a review of this actual pump than it is…

Revisiting my Elos tank after 18 months

Sometimes we just aren’t as smart as we think we are. I am using the “royal we” as I know I am definitely not as smart as I think I am a lot of the tie, especially when it comes…

AutoAqua Qeye and Qshooter Combo available from CoralVue

Remember the AutoAqua Qeye and Qshooter Combo we wrote about a few years back that allows you to shoot food to your fish from your smartphone? Well we are starting to see it percolate onto retail sites since CoralVue is…

Caribbean Coral Diaries: Helioseris cucullata

Helioseris cucullata Helioseris cucullata is a Caribbean coral with a one of a kind appearance. You can easily spot this coral by the cup or nose-shaped corallite that always points to the exterior of the colony. Helioseris has several growth forms and color combination, but…

Caribbean Coral Diaries: Agaricia fragilis

Agaricia fragilis is a species of thin plating coral that can grow in several different forms. This coral has shallow ridges and valleys with a single set of polyps aligned in even rows. Nice evenly arranged rows of polyps are characteristic…

These Neat Bandfish Are Totally Worth A Species Focused Aquarium

Of all the many different species and groups of marine fish we have written about in the last ten years, it’s a shame we haven’t spotlighted the bandfish, until now. These fish are rarely seen in the aquarium hobby, probably…

Five Reasons Why I Love My Linki Gobies

The Linki Goby, Amblygobius linki, is an interesting fish that was introduced to the hobby by Biota Palau just a little over a year ago. Now that I’ve had my pair of Linki gobies for most of that time, I thought…

A Dad’s Role in the Hobby

A Dad’s Role in the Hobby As I have noted several times in the past, for whatever reason this hobby is dominated by men. But in an attempt at equal and to promote the hobby to our fellow female hobbyists,…

We Get A New Species AND Genus With The Description Of Cymatognathus aureolateralis

Today’s newest species of marine fish comes from very deep reefs of Indonesia, but it was discovered in a very peculiar way. Cymatognathus aureolateralis is a new species of anthias which is very closely related to Symphysanodon, but was elevated to its…

Some Of My Favorite SPS Corals

When visitors come to see my tanks and realize that the tanks are full of live coral one of the questions I get frequently asked is “So what’s your favorite coral?” To me that is akin to asking me, who…