Tunze Delta rock, a new take on the corner frag rock

The Tunze Delta Rock is an interesting take on the typical corner frag rock. Designed with a cup on the top and to fit into a corner, the Tunze Delta Rock gives you some flexibility in what you do with…

Flower Anemones & St Thomas Shrooms From Belize Will Blow Your Mind!

Belize is well known in the Caribbean Sea as a concentration of biodiversity to divers, but now it’s finally going to be on the map in the aquarium world as well. Recent imports of flower anemones and St. Thomas shrooms from…

Becoming A PADI Instructor Zambezi’s Story

Education There are three elementary schools on the island with classes up to the 8th grade. While current generations are more likely to attend school, growing up Zambezi and his age group were unlikely to study past the 3rd or…

EKoral Is New Controller That Promises A Fresh User Experience!

EKoral is a new aquarium controller which is promising to deliver some real advances in the aquarium monitoring and controlling space. The hardware from EKoral includes all the same basic components that we’ve become familiar with from the incumbent players but…

Ecotech Marine Products And Service Over The Years

     Over the years we have been fortunate in seeing innovation after innovation come to the hobby. Initially, most of these innovations came from Europe, which due to their being in the hobby longer undoubtedly accounted for their innovations…

The Scuba Show Is Happening THIS weekend, May 6-7!

Scuba Show 2017 Pack your bags, the annual Scuba Show is happening this weekend in Long Beach California. And, in case you needed an excuse to attend, we’re sure the Saturday night party will be extra festive as 2017 marks the…

Cirrhilabrus efatensis, a New Species Of Fairy Wrasse From Vanuatu

Cirrhilabrus efatensis is a new species of fairy wrasse which was discovered living in Vanuatu in the South Pacific. This new species is in the small but distinct complex of hooded fairy wrasses which include C. bathyphilus, from the Coral Sea…

New Global Mass Coral Bleaching Database

Despite hundreds of click bait articles shared millions of times around the internet “the reef is dying” or “worst coral bleaching ever”, our global information map of coral bleaching is still quite sparse. While millions are concerned with this prevalent topic,…

AirBuddy Worlds Smallest Diving Gear Launches On Kickstarter

AirBuddy | explore the underwater with tankless dive gear We first wrote about the AirBuddy in January and we’re excited to see the launch of their much-anticipated Kickstarter campaign. And we can see we’re not alone, already within the first…

ESHOPPS’ Royale 400 Multi Chamber Sump

Royale 400 ESHOPPS’ introduces a new multi chamber sump rated for tanks up to 450 gal. The new Royal 400 sump is designed with simplicity and features sufficient, usable sump area to accommodate skimmers, pumps, and aquarium devices. You can…