Aquarium Automation: The Theiling Rollermat and Other Web-Filtering Technologies

The problem For the longest time, I have been trying to lengthen the maintenance interval for the filter socks on my 450-gallon system, which currently clog every two days. I tried eliminating filter socks completely for a period of time,…

Caribbean Coral Diaries: Mycetophyllia aliciae

Mycetophyllia aliciae Mycetophyllia is a group of fleshy corals found in the Caribbean. They are part of the Mussidae family and there are five distinct species. Mycetophyllia aliciae is one of the most common Mycetophyllia species and is easy to distinguish with white…

Responsible Shark and Ray Tourism Guide: Free Download

Shark and Ray Tourism Guide Shark and ray tourism is a major draw for scuba divers. Globally the industry has some 376 well-established tourism operations which focus on getting divers in the water with charismatic megafauna and apex elasmobranch species.…

Salty Q&A: Why so Much Emphasis on Evaporation in Saltwater Systems?

Question I’m a long-time freshwater aquarium hobbyist but considering branching out to a saltwater reef system. In talking with some of my reefkeeper friends, I’ve noticed that they’re rather fixated on evaporation from their tanks and doing daily top-offs. Why…

Deepblu Wants Your Nudi’s! Nudibranch Photos That Is
Deepblu Whats Your Nudi's Nudibranchs are some of the most photographed macro critters in the ocean. These colorful gastropods can be found in all the world's oceans from the chilly waters of British Columbia Canada to the tropical latitudes of…
Saltwater Aquarium Maintenance: Water Changes

Aquarium Maintenance: Water Changes Regular water changes are fundamental to maintaining an aquarium. The volume and frequency will fluctuate for each tank but almost every reefer performs regular water changes on their aquarium. Once you regularly maintain your aquarium you…

Saltwater Aquarium Maintenance: Topping Off Your Tank With Freshwater

Aquarium Maintenance: Topping Off  When water evaporates from your saltwater aquarium, only the fresh water evaporates, and the salt is left behind. In order to maintain a consistent salinity level, we must top off our tanks with fresh water. There are two ways…

Caribbean Coral Diaries: Diploria labyrinthiformis

The Coral Diaries series is a list of corals we have seen while diving around the world. We’ve created this series so that you can learn more about corals, and how to identify them on the reef. We encourage you…

An Introduction to Protein Skimming

A protein skimmer is a device designed to clean the water in a reef aquarium by removing dissolved organic compounds. Put even more simply, it is a controlled overflow of dirty water. Imagine a chamber that vigorously mixes air and…

Safeguarding Your Aquarium With Redundant Design

Redundancy      We have all been admonished by the phrase at some point in our lives “Don’t be redundant. To most that simply means don’t say something twice. By definition it also means don’t exceed what is necessary or…