The holidays are in full swing and besides being a legal excuse to put on weight, it’s also a time to indulge in a little something extra. All in the spirit of holiday cheer, of course. The fish deities know…
Search Results For: neopercularis
New pseudocoris wrasse captured and pictured alive for the first time
The Pseudocoris genus contains some of the most beautiful wrasses but this little known group goes all but eclipsed by the Paracheilinus flasher and Cirrhilabrus fairy wrasses. However, with aquarists increasingly broadening their scope of rare and unusual reef wrasses, the Pseudocoris…
Tour de BlueHarbor – Part 2. Fixing a deepwater malady
This is the second and final installment to the two part BlueHarbor tour visit. In this article, we visit one of Koji’s customers with perhaps the biggest and most impressive collection of deepwater fish ever. Rare fish aficionados, you do…
BlueHarbor releases new pictures and videos of Cirrhilabrus claire along with the other deepwater rarities
BlueHarbor released new pictures and videos of their latest haul and here’s a better look at the insanely rare Cirrhilabrus claire. As we’ve mentioned previously, C. claire has never had its live picture featured anywhere before and this pair marks…
The highly elusive and beautiful Bodianus opercularis surfaces in Hong Kong
The Bodianus hogfishes get loads of quality air time here at ReefBuilders, and for good reason. Hogfish are gorgeous, rare, easy to keep and overall a group of very hardy fish that can withstand the rumble and tumble of a…