How to grow the most colorful SPS corals

During the course of history men have always searched for the unobtainable. The knights of King Arthur searched for the Holy Grail, Captain Ahab obsessed about a white whale, in similar fashion we hobbyists have been searching for how to…

A visit to the okayama University of Science

In light of MACNA and the hectic schedule of traveling, we haven’t been able to finish up recounting our visit to Japan. Now that the dust has settled, we’re obligated to tie up the loose ends and finish up this short series.…

Giesemann VerVve Pro and VerVve One fully revealed at MACNA

The VerVve One and VerVve Pro are Giesemann’s most mature LED light fixture that we’ve seen them release for the aquarium market. Two weeks ago in D.C. we got to see these new VerVve LED lights in person, and besides…

Marine Biosystems has two designs for ‘biopellet skimmers’

Marine Biosystems is an intriguing new upstart in the marine aquarium hobby which garnered a lot of attention for their unique ‘biopellet skimmers’. The 3D printed biopellet reactor is what first put Marine Biosystems on the map, but it is…

Maxspect 1000 watt LED light is bright enough for the largest tanks

The Maxspect f1000w Floodlight is a powerful lighting engine powered by one thousand watts of Light Emitting Diodes. At two feet long, the Maxspect 1000 watt LED floodlight is about the size of a small suitcase. Packing in this much power into…

Hands on with the Cubic Orbit 20 Jellyfish tank

Ever since I heard about the Cubic Orbit 20 Jellyfish tank, all I could think about was jellyfish, jellyfish, jellyfish. We first came across the Cubic Orbit 20 Jellyfish tank last year at InterZoo and couldn’t be more excited to set it up when…

Get control of your DC Pump with the Aqua Link Controller

The Aqua Link Controller is a new, much better driver that is specifically designed to replace the bare bones drivers that have shipped with so many legions of DC pumps in the last few years. Jebao, Deepwater, and Waveline DC…

Elos QuietDrain raises the bar for aquarium overflows

Elos recently unveiled the new QuietDrain overflow, which is a patented technique for allowing an immense amount of water volume through a tiny little overflow box. For such a small little box, the new Elos QuietDrain packs a surprising number…

Captive bred majestic angelfish revealed by Bali Aquarich

Majestic angelfish have now been spawned, bred and reared by Bali Aquarich, the trailblazer in captive breeding of aquarium angelfish. With more than two years of snagging new captive bred angelfish ‘species firsts’ like it’s a race, Bali Aquarich can…

Exact iDip smart photometer is a new type of digital water test

The Exact iDip smart photometer was perhaps one of the biggest surprises in new aquarium products that was spied at MACNA 2015. In addition to the MindStream, JBL Proscan, and the new Elos Colorimeter, the iDip Exact is a new…