Take our latest survey: The rise of the “connected” aquarium

With the growth of the connected home, we thought it would be interesting to take a look at the “connected” aquarium with our latest survey. Click here or on the image below to answer a few questions about how internet-enabled…

Is It Okay to Quarantine Multiple Marine Fish at Once?

As regular Saltwater Smarts visitors are well aware, “Caribbean Chris” and I are strong proponents of quarantining all newly acquired fish for at least four weeks before introducing them to a display tank. But what about keeping two or more…

2.3 Fairy Wrasses: The exquisitus complex

Cirrhilabrus exquisitus is an unusually widespread and variable species which appears to form a lineage alongside the scottorum and cyanopleura groups, with all three sharing characteristically mid-length pelvic fins. Unlike any other species of Cirrhilabrus, the Exquisite Fairy Wrasse has…

Abyzz America brings high end DC pump to the U.S.

Abyzz America is a new venture that aims to bring the high end Abyss DC pumps to more people this side of the Atlantic Ocean. The Austrian made Abyzz pumps have been gaining popularity in Europe as a high end…

Living the Dream

To paraphrase the old adage, you should find a job that you really enjoy doing and then every day going to work is a pleasure. Unfortunately for most of us this is not possible and many of us are content…

Tropical marine life is moving farther away from the equator

The oceans are warming and the warmer water is working its way father from the equator and taking tropical marine life with it. A recent story about how the famous East Australian current (the famous “EAC” used by the migrating sea…

Balinese faux gold: Captive bred hybrid Goldflake Angelfish

In continuation with our previous post on Bali Aquarich’s new Euxiphipops angelfish, we’re revealing the second angelfish to hit the scene. This time its not one species, but a hybrid combination of two. This marks the eighth species of angelfish…

5 Traits of a “Beginner” Marine Fish

What exactly does it mean when we say that a marine fish is “good for beginners”? After all, it’s not like certain fish species come with training wheels or have a set of care instructions tattooed on their dorsal fins…

Vectra L1 pump from Ecotech marine

The Vectra return pump is a new product from Ecotech Marine that was just leaked in a single image. The spy shot appears to show a typical DC pump body, a Mean Well power supply, a QuietDrive driver, and the box for…

Awesome Fish Spotlight: Valenciennea helsdingenii

Chances of bumping into cool fish increases exponentially when you’re out and about marauding the various Balinese wholesale facilities. Picking out a truly rare gem amidst a swathing plague of reef fish requires a keen eye and an innate intuition. That…