Awesome Fish Spotlight: The scarlet Synchiropus

Synchiropus is an immaculate genus famed for the unorthodox juxtaposition between cute and freaky. With frog like faces, huge bulging eyes and pursed lips, coupled with their undulating fin movements, they make for a highly peculiar animal. In the aquarium context, few species illicit…

The top 5 reasons to use an Apex Systems PMK Par Monitoring Kit

The PAR Monitoring Kit recently announced by Neptune Systems is a very intriguing new accessory that could unlock the door to learning oh so much about our aquariums. We were very thrilled to see the release of the BioTek Marine…

Lessepsian migration between the Mediterranean and Red Seas via the Suez Canal

The Mediterranean and the Red Seas are some of the most historical, geographical and anthropologically important landmarks that this magnificent planet holds. Fed primarily by the Atlantic and Indian Oceans respectively, together these two bodies of water tell an opulent story dating back…

Freshwater planted tanks, something completely different

As those of you that know me or have seen me speak or have read my stuff or watched my videos know, I love the saltwater side of the hobby, and especially anything to do with reefs. I consider myself…

Man-made branch rock is coming soon from Walt Smith Fiji

Branching live rock like that which came from Tonga back in the day has always been some of the most highly sought after shape for aquascaping reef tanks and marine aquaria. branching rock from the wild is unpredictable in shape,…

The speciation, biogeography and hybridization of Zebrasoma

The family Acanthuridae boasts of charismatic, charming and iconic reef fishes that are immediately recognizable both in the field and in the trade. All eighty or so species spanning the six various genera have a single unifying trait, and that is…

Sarcophyton Leather Corals: Attractive, Toxic, and Tough as Nails

When it comes to hardiness, ease of care, and general adaptability, few corals can compare to those of the genus Sarcophyton—the so-called toadstool, or mushroom, leather corals. Despite their lack of chromatic brilliance, they’re also pretty neat looking to boot.…

What a Difference a (Good) Protein Skimmer Makes!

Here at Saltwater Smarts, we’re not, generally speaking, in the business of writing product reviews. But when we have positive personal experiences with products that we think can make your life easier—and are available at a reasonable cost—we want to…

Rare Madagascar Clownfish Offered via eBay

Last year, Ross DeAngelis caught the attention of clownfish enthusiasts with his announcement of success in breeding the very rare Madagascar Clownfish, Amphiprion latifasicatus. Many have speculated what would happen next, and this past week the first offering of this…

Proaquatix’s new captive-bred Jackknife Fish: Why you need them!

On June 16, 2015, Proaquatix officially released the news that they’ve successfully spawned and reared the Jackknife Fish, Equetus lanceolatus (see the press release and additional images at the end of this article). This isn’t a species first; captive-breeding of the Jack-Knifefish was…