Fluval launches 8 new LED lights in US

Fluval is elevating its game with one of the largest launches of LED lights we have seen in a while unveiling eight new lights in the US with plans to roll them out globally this fall. The mainstay of the…

Q&A with Victor and Lou of World Wide Corals

World Wide Corals has long been one of our favorite livestock providers and whenever we get the opportunity to visit the store in Florida, we make sure to take advantage of it. We were able to sit down with WWC…

Next Reboot Phase 3, “Let’s put this new tank together..”

So reboot phase 2 was all about the tear down. It wasn’t an easy time. A lot of corals were lost in the holding tanks despite my best efforts. It was definitely a low point. I would say there were…

5 Ways to Make Marine Aquarium Maintenance Easier

Routine maintenance is an unavoidable aspect of marine aquarium keeping, but let’s face it, most of us would much rather spend our time enjoying the fruits of our labor than actually doing said labor. With that in mind, anything we…

The Water Change Conundrum

We all have a friend in the hobby or know someone who constantly brags about how he or she has never done a water change and their tank is perfect. The corals are growing and colorful, the fish vibrant and active…

GHL offering promo deal on the Mitras LX LED and ProfiLux controller bundle

GHL is making it more enticing to grab the Mitras LX LED fixture and ProfiLux 3 controller with the kickoff of a promotion giving you a free ProfiLux wireless card PLM-PWC for free and any number of Mitras LEDs at…

Coeloplana: Benthic ctenophores living right under your nose

Ctenophora is a phylum of marine animals most commonly referred to as comb jellies. You may have seen these in various documentaries, manifesting themselves as gelatinous geometric shapes fringed in movable cilia and psychedelic disco lights. This phylum is huge and…

All in one Aquariums: Critical to the Success of the hobby

All in one aquarium kits are extremely popular with consumers a trend that has been increasing over the last several years. The trend is no doubt brought on by the vast amount of product combinations available on the market today…

4 Tips for the Right-Brained Marine Aquarist

As regular Saltwater Smarts visitors may be aware, I was an English major in college and currently make my living working with words as a writer/editor. Admittedly, I’ve never really been able to wrap my head around more complicated mathematics…

Tryssogobius Tuesday: A guide to the genus of fairy gobies

Amongst the giddying myriad of nano-sized gobies suited for the home aquarist, few genera exuberates brilliance and mystique quite like Tryssogobius. The genus comprises of delicate dainty gobies, of which seven are scientifically recognized. There are invariably many more waiting…