Neon green Psammocora discovered living as a rollolith in Australia

A couple of neon green Psammocora have just been discovered to be living unattached, as free living coral colonies known as ‘rolloliths’. Psammocora is just the latest stony coral genus to be documented living as a rollolith, a growth form in…

The Lawnmower Blenny: a Funny, Fascinating Fish of Unpredictable Utility

The lawnmower blenny, aka the jeweled blenny, jeweled rockskipper, or sailfin blenny (Salarias fasciatus), is commonly purchased not just for its comical behavior and only-a-mother-could-love looks, but also for the utilitarian purpose of controlling algae in marine tanks. While you…

Destination De Jong

There are a handful of fish and coral powerhouses spread around the world in isolation, each with their special niche and prowess responsible for procuring some of the hobby’s most sought after. Most recently on our little tour of Europe,…

The Flowave is a real life wavemaker

If you wanted to build the ultimate water flow creating aquarium, it would look something like the Flowave, a huge circular flow generating pool that is in a league of its own. The Flowave is 5 meters deep, 25 meters in…

Don’t Be Bothered by Bristleworms!

In my early days of writing for the marine aquarium hobby, I frequently cautioned fellow hobbyists to be on the lookout for “unwelcome” live rock stowaways, and high on my list of undesirables were the bristleworms. As I saw it…

The coral civilization, an anthropomorphic empire

Humans. Colonial bipedal creatures of soft squishy texture, seeking the safety of artificially constructed nests in which they live in. A coral colony can be viewed in a similar fashion, and while lacking the socio-economics and political agendas that a thriving…

Brazilian Lionfish Discovered!

In their slow and steady march towards Atlantic reef dominance, the invasive lionfish Pterois volitans has at last crossed the final hurdle and been found in the reefs of Southeastern Brazil. To do so required it to traverse some inhospitable…

Coral fluorescence is a thing of magic

The scintillating brilliance that exudes from a coral is without a doubt the clinching factor for decision making in purchasing, propagating or just old school showing off. Yet the colour magic registered by your retina may just be a facade, masquerading a different…

A special visit to Sjöfartsmuseet Akvariet of Gothenburg, Sweden.

Following up on our recent European trip, we paid a visit to Sjöfartsmuseet Akvariet in Sweden to give a little talk at a nordic coral symposium. Sjöfartsmuseet Akvariet is a Maritime Museum and Aquarium located in Gothenburg, the second largest city in…

First Impressions of the Aquamaxx ConeS Series Skimmers

Remember when an affordable skimmer meant an ugly piece of extruded acrylic paired with a pump that acted as both a heater and unsoothing noise machine? We remember. It used to be that the only way to retire the droning…