Giant clams are even more specialized to harvest light than we thought

We all know that giant clams of the Tridacna and Hippopus genera are fast-growing molluscs which are found in shallow water reef waters where they can bask in the sunlight, harvesting energy from their symbiotic zooxanthellae. Unlike corals which have Symbiodinium zooxanthellae which…

First four MACNA 2014 speaker videos now available to view online

The Marine Aquarium Conference of North America is such a seminal event in the marine aquarium community, it’s a gem to be able to gather once a year with friends and colleagues from all over the world. One of the…

MACNA adds trio of pioneering marine scientists to speaker lineup

MACNA 2014 just got a little better with the addition of three pioneering marine scientists to its already impressive speaker lineup. The Board of Directors just announced the addition of these three speakers: Dr. Todd LaJeunesse (a pioneer in the field…

Mitch Carl to MC MACNA 2014, Todd LaJeunesse and Mike Paletta added to speaker lineup

Now that 2014 is in full swing and we are closer to the next MACNA than we are to the last one, it’s time to kick our 2014 MACNA pre-coverage in high gear. As you know the world’s premiere marine…

New study finds that biodiversity doesn’t always equal resiliency

A recent study suggests that corals with greater diversity of symbiodinium (aka zooxanthellae) are more sensitive to environmental changes than corals with fewer variety of symbiodinium. Published by the Royal Society Biological Sciences, the research breaks down the corals as…

Coral Morphologic’s Colin Foord to speak on urban Acropora at TEDxMiami

You usually think of Acropora as being a delicate coral group, ready to die at a moment’s notice but would you believe that there are acropora growing inside Miami Florida? We’re not talking about Acros in reef tanks, we’re talking…

AEFW now known as Amakusaplana acroporae

AEFW — the dreaded acropora-eating flatworm has been a nuisance for hobbyists for years and has just gotten a new name thanks to a research team led by Dr. Kate Rawlinson from University College London. Amakusaplana acroporae is the official…

Todd LaJeunesse video lecture on Competition in coral-algae symbiosis

Dr. Todd LaJeunesse is one of the leading authorities in the research of Symbiodinium and he was one of the crucial developeres of the molecular techniques necessary to be able to recognize sub-clade level Symbiodinium types. This 50 minute video…