Here’s another exciting Reef Builders travelogue showcasing the sights and adventures of the reefing scene in a foreign country. Like our Japan and Bangkok travelogues, we visit yet again another Asian country – the mystical land of Hong Kong. This…
Search Results For: tosanoides
Digiman shares his new Pseudanthias rubrolineatus and Cirrhilabrus claire in a video update
Digiman is back with a new tank update showing a glimpse of his exquisite collection once again. Fans of rare fish who follow Reefbuilders often should be familiar with this Singaporean reefer. With an extensive know how of deepwater rare…
BlueHarbor’s current inventory is brimming with the rarest reef fish
From the Southern Pacific to Curacao to Hawaii and homeland Japan, BlueHarbor never looked so amazing this week with what could be the most intense collection of fish ever at any one time. Just when we think the man in…
Tour de BlueHarbor – Part 2. Fixing a deepwater malady
This is the second and final installment to the two part BlueHarbor tour visit. In this article, we visit one of Koji’s customers with perhaps the biggest and most impressive collection of deepwater fish ever. Rare fish aficionados, you do…
Tour de BlueHarbor – Part 1. Beyond the shopfront.
BlueHarbor is perhaps, one of the more iconic and reputable fish stores in the East and maybe even the world – Renowned for their incredible repertoire of some of the rarest reef fishes, as well as Koji’s incredible knowledge and…
Roughtongue bass, Protonogrammus martinicensis: trio shows up in the Diver’s Den
The roughtongue bass, Protonogrammus martinicensis, is one of the nicest rare reef fish that can be found in American waters. With a distribution spanning most of the Caribbean including the Gulf of Mexico, the roughtongue bass is actually one of…
Powerhouse japanese fish stores compete for bragging rights in their latest rare fish haul
It has been said countless of times that the japanese somehow have the magic touch when it comes to rare fish, and they are able to obtain just about anything under the sun; or in this case, under the sea.…
BlueHarbor showcases super rare juvenile Bodianus masudai hogfish
[youtube][/youtube] The Masudai hogfish is a super rare species that rarely ever makes it into the trade, and even if it does, it’s almost always within the local Japanese market. BlueHarbor once again, in living up to its reputation, scores…
Reefbuilders crowns a new holy grail, the Yellowlined Japanese Anthias
Now that the once highly coveted Odontanthias borbonius is relatively common in the marine aquarium, it’s time for rare fish fanciers to set their sights on more elusive fish. Reefbuilders is the online authority on rare reef fish and as such,…