The Fragging Phenomenon Part Deux

In 1992, I wrote my first article on the fragmenting of corals, fragging for short. At that time fragging corals was primarily done on soft corals and was done more out of the necessity to preserve the corals we had,…

How to Prevent Fish from Stealing Coral Food

When it comes to acquiring food, fish will take the path of least resistance. And one of the best ways for a fish to score an easy meal is to snatch morsels away from their glacially slow-moving invertebrate tankmates. Heck,…

Top 5 favorite Coral Morphological stories

Over the last half decade or more, Coral Morphologic has been the aquarium hobby’s undisputed leader in artsy coral art, especially in the mutlimedia coral reef space. During that time we’ve highlighted “Core-More” and their various projects which span the…

Neozoanthus uchina and N. caleyi are the newest species of Zoanthid

Neozoanthus is a very little known group of zoanthids in the aquarium hobby but today we learned a little more about two new species: Neozoanthus uchina and N. caleyi. This funky genus of zoanthids was thought to be rare, it’s…

Lophelia found at record depths in Gulf of Mexico

Lophelia may very well be one of our favorite corals ever – its stark white skeleton, elegant growth pattern and stunning transparent polyps making this an absolutely dreamy azooxanthellae coral. For those of you that do not know what we…

Acidic oceans can be causing “deafness” in fish

We know that acidic conditions can cause damage to sensitive corals on our reefs but a recent study on clownfish has shown that increased acidity in water can cause them to lose their hearing. The study used sounds of predators to see if the…

Scientist finds cure to RTN

RTN. What causes it? Nobody really seems to know. Even Hitler himself admitted to not knowing what causes the dreaded RTN. But how can we prevent it? Can it be cured? Apparently it can, as it was announced today that…

Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide in the aquarium: Algae Removal

I would like to introduce a tool that I have found extremely useful in my years of aquaculturing coral. Hydrogen peroxide has been a time saver, and a life saver (as well as harbinger of near total death and destruction). For…

Jellyfish-eating coral caught in the act

Recently scientists from Israel encountered a strange sight—a coral eating a jellyfish in the Red Sea. We saw this news posted on the BBC’s website and did a bit more digging. Typically larger predators are the animals taking advantage of…

Tank of the Month May 2008

Congratulations to William1 who won the tank of the month contest for May 2008. Hit the read link for more information about his beautiful tank.