Despite the diversity of sea stars that abound in tropical waters, relatively few species find their way into aquariums with any regularity. One of the most interesting species—morphologically, behaviorally and evolutionarily—is also one of the most seldomly encountered: the “Striking…
Rare species of Arothron pufferfishes
Dogface pufferfishes are as common a marine fish as you’ll find in the aquarium hobby, but this is by no means true of all the species in this diverse group. The genus Arothron, as currently classified, contains fifteen species, several…
Peanut Worms in the Reef Aquarium
A well-stocked reef aquarium can be a diverse place, full of invertebrate surprises. But identifying the fauna traipsing about on live rock can be a challenge for the average aquarist and few creatures are quite so confusing as the Peanut Worm.…
The Gorgon Worm: Gorgonorhynchus
Ribbon worms (Phylum Nemertea) are an unfamiliar group of invertebrates to aquarists and the general public alike. Despite their occasionally immense size, this unique phylum of animal life is seldom on anyone’s radar. Which is why it came as a…
0.0 Fairy Wrasses: A review of the genus Cirrhilabrus
Fairy wrasses are some of the most ubiquitous fishes in the marine aquarium trade, which is why it may come as a surprise to learn that the group has never received a serious taxonomic review. The scientific literature is filled…
Brazilian Lionfish Discovered!
In their slow and steady march towards Atlantic reef dominance, the invasive lionfish Pterois volitans has at last crossed the final hurdle and been found in the reefs of Southeastern Brazil. To do so required it to traverse some inhospitable…
Bunbu-Kun, anthropomorphic urchins will make you smile
Lurking out on the reefs of the Philippines is the jolliest creature known to man, the ever-ebullient Bunbu-kun. Its permanent countenance of childlike wonder and joy is enough to warm the heart of even the most curmudgeon-y of aquarists, for,…