Reefkeeper Elite pre orders to start in march, no?

  We thought that Digital Aquatics, the guy’s that bring you the ReefKeeper 2 and the new Reefkeeper Elite were to start taking pre-orders in March. They have only 11 days to make good on their offer. Time is a…

Reefkeeper elite: Pre-order in March, then wait.

It looks like digital aquatics is busy gearing up for production. They announced that pre-orders will be available in March. Adding: “ We will be starting to take pre-orders in March. We’ve been working on pricing and part of that…

ReefKeeper Elite to cost only $490

Digital Aquatics released pricing today, and the reefkeeper elite has been priced at only $490.99. This along with a complete list of features was released today. Official release to follow after the jump.

ReefKeeper Elite, what $600 will buy you…

So with all this talk about the ReefKeeper Elite here is a recap, estimated price is below $600. What will that buy you? 1 x Head unit 1 x SL1 (ph, ORP, temp, 2 x micro switches) 2 x PC4…

More ReefKeeper Elite specs due out?

Digital Aquatics might leak out more information about their soon to be released Reef Keeper elite today. Besides already having a wattage measuring power unit, possible mobile alerts(unconfirmed) , bluetooth (unconfirmed) and the ability to control over 252 devices, we…

ReefKeeper Elite new module: SL1

Digital Aquatics released a new module for the reefkeeper elite, the SL1. “The RKM-SL1 is the first in a line of modules for the RK Elite system; it provides pH, ORP, temp, and two micro switch inputs. While one SL1…

Digital Aquatics: ReefKeeper Elite should be under $600

Digital aquatics will update us on more details about their new ReefKeeper Elite unit come friday. However, here is a recap of what we know. We do know that this unit should be under $600 for their standard package.

Reef Keeper Elite (2.04), Lite (2.05) receive updated firmware plus bug fixes

Digital Aquatics announced through their online forum that they have released a bevy of new firmware updates to their Reef Keeper units. To start, the Reef keeper Elite head unit has been updated to version (2.04) and improves upon the…

ReefKeeper Lite and NET module will soon work together?

We’ve heard rumors and rumblings within the industry about Digital Aquatics Reef Keeper lite. Apparently there is a firmware update in the works or already complete that will allow the Reef Keeper lite to connect to the internet by means…

ReefKeeper Lite to cost $149, be only .6″ thick?

We have confirmed reports of Digital Aquatics newest controller hitting retail stores at a cool $149. This is certainly news in itself as no controller on the market currently is below the $200 price range. We also got our hands…