Ultra Algae X is a hit with aquarists, Fauna Marin ramping up supply

Upon releasing ultra algae x to the world, we thought that is seemed like a very promising product. We mean to say of course that it was a “cure all” or “cure almost” of all your algae problems in your…

Simple and effective guide on reef aquascaping

I was walking down the aisle of a large discount retailer several years ago, I was in the aquatic section looking at anything they might have relating to my favorite hobby: saltwater. They of course did not, but that is…

Tank of the Month May 2008

Congratulations to William1 who won the tank of the month contest for May 2008. Hit the read link for more information about his beautiful tank.

New Octopus Pro Series Skimmer hits market

  Coral Vue is releasing it’s newest line of protein skimmer, the Octopus Pro series.  Starting the last week in February, 2008, Coral Vue will be introducing it’s in-sump version of the skimmer, the Octopus Pro 250, with plans of…

Live in Madrid Spain? Check this 90 gallon wonder out…

If by chance you live or plan on visiting Madrid Spain, you might want to drop by and say hello to Enrique Mora who runs a spanish blog about his 90 gallon setup. For those of you who don’t speak…

Adding “waves” to your saltwater aquarium

Anyone who has been scuba diving or snorkelling will tell you that despite its calm appearance, the water near a reef is constantly in motion. This is especially true in the fore reef, where a lot of SPS corals come…

Reef Builders Guide: How to setup a Reef Tank

    The best words I have to describe a coral reef is a “lush wasteland.” By this I mean many extremely different types of life inhabit a coral reef, yet it is incredibly nutrient poor. Reefs rely on powerful…

An Abridged How-to on Algae Control in your saltwater aquarium

  Algae— these simple, unicellular or colonial, photosynthetic eukaryotic plant cells, are remarkable. From planktonic blooms to giant kelp beds to algal films micrometers thin, algae of all types form the base of a global ecosystem, cycling carbon, oxygen and…