
By signing the agreement, the advertiser agrees to the following conditions:

  • All contents of advertisements are subject to Reef Builders approval. Reef Builders reserves the right to reject or cancel any
    advertisement, insertion order, space reservation or position commitment
    at any time without cause. Reef Builders reserves the right to insert the word “advertisement”, or “sponsored” above or below any copy.
  • Advertisers may not cancel orders for, or make changes
    to, advertising after the closing dates, unless approved by the
  • Reef Builders will not be bound by any conditions, printed or
    otherwise, appearing on contracts, orders or copy instruction,
    that conflict with set policies.
  • All advertising is Published upon the understanding that
    the Advertiser and its agency assume full and complete
    responsibility and liability for advertising submitted, printed or
  • All advertising insertion orders are accepted subject
    to the condition that the publisher should have no liability for
    failure to execute accepted advertising orders because of acts
    of God, governmental restrictions, fires, strikes, accidents or
    other occurrences beyond the Publisher’s control (whether like
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    Publisher from partially or completely producing, publishing or
  • Payment terms: All invoices will be due when created.