Powerhouse japanese fish stores compete for bragging rights in their latest rare fish haul

It has been said countless of times that the japanese somehow have the magic touch when it comes to rare fish, and they are able to obtain just about anything under the sun; or in this case, under the sea.…

Hybrids of C. bispinosa are just as variable and beautiful as the parent species

Not only is the Coral Beauty angelfish widely diverse and varied, the hybrids it produces span the gamut in terms of appearance. C. bispinosa has been documented to hybridize with C. ferrugata, C. loricula, C. loricula x C. ferrugata, C.…

Brand new and better videos of the one and only Lipogramma robinsi

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wiu-mrvTwFg&feature=player_embedded#![/youtube] We posted about the only captive Lipogramma robinsi in the world not too long ago, and then updated with a short video of it. The old video, nice as it may be, cannot compare to these brand new out of…

The elusive Bodianus neopercularis and its near perfect clone

The genus Bodianus has got to be one of the the favorites amongst reefers and fish lovers alike. They’re robust, hardy, have so much personality and not to mention beautiful. Here at ReefBuilders, we’ve already covered many of the rarer…