The ABCs of deepwater Chromis

The pan-oceanic genus Chromis is a ubiquitous component of any coral reef, and can be found anywhere from sun speckled coral gardensĀ to lung compressing depths in the mesophotic twilight zone. Despite their nearĀ abrasive presence both in the field and in…

“Uncharted Waters” by The Association for Marine Exploration shows a deluge of incredible twilight zone reef species

The twilight zone is one of the least explored places anywhere in the ocean and human surveys are greatly limited by SCUBA diving. In this 16 minute long video by AME titled “Uncharted Waters”, a brief explanation is given on…

Chromis brevirostris is a gorgeous species which is barely documented

Here at Reef Builders we are a fan of all things Chromis, and are especially fond of the deep water species such as the world famous Chromis abyssus. C. abyssus was described in 2008 together with four other species –…