The “Seabin project” could be a game changer in the ongoing race to clean-up and protect our oceans. The brainchild of two Australian friends Andrew Turton and Pete Ceglinski, Seabin is set to become the world’s first automated in-water trash bin.
One look at Seabin, followed by a glance at your aquariums overflow box, and you will be saying “why didn’t I think of that”. Seabin utilizes a pump to created a sort of overflow funnel places at the water’s surface, sucking up floating trash, plastics and styrofoam 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Seabin has been designed for floating docks, marinas, inland waterways, harbours, ports and yacht club, residential lakes, and has to be contacted to a shore based water pump (although this could be a yatch or floating dock with a power source). Trash which is sucked into the Seabin gets caught in a removable filter and the water then flow out through the bottom of the bin and up into the pump on the dock.
There is even an option of installing an oil/water separator on the Seabin pump before the water flows back into the ocean. This would be especially useful in marinas, ports or floating gas stations where you often find gas and oils stretched out and shimmering across the surface of the water.
The Seabin is designed with a natural fiber “catch bag” with the goal in mind of using the most sustainable materials and processes available. The catch bag is small enough that one person can change the bag easily when it is full, and even if someone isn’t there to change a full bag
the flow of simply pulls the surrounding trash against the Seabin and keeps it there.
If you want to get your hands on a Seabin or see the project expanded to more marine around the globe click here to support their Indiegogo campaign. Only 10 days left!
Do you think this is a great idea? We want to hear more about what you think about The Seabin project.