Interzoo, the world’s largest pet trade show which happens every two years has announced the show will be postponed beyond 2020. Due to the current health situation, the organizers decided that Interzoo can no longer be realized in 2020. They are instead working on a new time-slot beyond 2020. This approach was agreed upon by WZF, after careful assessment of the current situation and in consultation with NürnbergMesse as its assigned partner, and with representatives of the industry.
Interzoo was so big it would happen every two years with shows happening in 2018, 2016, 2014 and so on. However, with the show being postponed to 2021 it throws their entire future schedule into question. Plus they have not decided on a new date which is frankly disappointing for a show of this magnitude can not decide on a date. We expect an update as the organizers huddle together in the weeks to come.