Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) has recently shared a video showing some of Californias more iconic deep-sea critters. Monterey Bay is one of the most biologically diverse bodies of waters in the world, and the underlying submarine canyon is one of the deepest underwater canyons along the continental United States.
MBARI scientists are blessed with a natural deep-sea ‘laboratory’ up to 4,000 meters deep only a few ship-hours from Aquarium’s home base. MBARI’s current efforts span eight research themes, including benthic processes, midwater research, upper ocean biogeochemistry, ocean observatories, remotely operated vehicle enhancements, new in situ instruments, infrastructure support, and information dissemination and outreach.
As MBARI explores the deep sea they are discovering living creatures the world has never has seen before. But some animals—for their wacky shapes, splendid colors, or bizarre lifestyles—remain long-standing staff favorites.
Learn more about six of our most iconic deep-sea critters (Lampocteis cruentiventer), the bloody-belly comb jelly; (Scotoplanes sp.), the sea pig, (Vampyroteuthis infernalis), the vampire squid; (Chrondrocladia lyra), the harp sponge; (Anoplogaster cornuta), the fangtooth; and (Macropinna microstoma), the barreleye fish.
Visit the MBARI creature feature page for exclusive footage and information about how each animal thrives in the deep ocean.