YouTuber Reef Dork shares a video review of the Reef Factory thermo control, a smart heating control device for your aquarium. We first wrote about Reef Factory nearly one year ago, and recently we started seeing posts and reviews of these devices in the wild.
Reef Factory is a company out of Poland with a connected vision for monitoring reef aquariums. Reef Factory devices include a broad range of sensors and controllers to keep reef aquarists in touch and in tune with the most important parameters of their aquarium.
What sets the Reef Factory devices apart is all devices have their own smart function and work independently of a central controller. From the Reef Dork video, we learn more about the Reef Factory smartphone app and desktop control center, as it relates to the thermo control device.
The app looks intuitive and easy to use, although we can only go off what we’re seeing in the video as we have yet to test out any of these products. The thermo control allows you to set a maximum and minimum temperature and comes with two plugs to attached a heating and cooling device.
Temperature is an important parameter which fluctuates throughout the day. Having a bright display under your tank will help you monitor temp at a glance, but it’s really when you dive into the analytics from the Reef Factory app you can start to see just how much temperature can swing thought out the day.
The app allows you to set custom parameters to have heaters and cooling fans switch on and off when needed. We would be excited to see the full capabilities of the app with all the Reef Factory sensors and monitoring in place.