TSM Aquatics, the upstart retailer that has doubled in size every year selling incredible corals and fish, provides one of the lengthiest and most comprehensive quarantines in the industry. While most national retailers of fish and corals state at least 14 days, TSM Aquatics doubles that with a minimum 30-day standard quarantine.
Customers have taken notice.

“A professional, quality retailer that provides meticulous care for their specimens upon receipt, which employs lengthy quarantine and disease abatement procedures and understands the importance of packing for more than adequate temperature and shock insulation is a clear choice seeking the best specimens.”

TSM Aquatics recently rebranded into selling more fish, invertebrates, and other livestock that hobbyists have craved, especially since keeping and building out saltwater fish tanks has become so popular. While the 30-day quarantine process is awe-inspiring, it is essential to note that TSM’s biologists have over twenty years of combined experience working in public aquariums and running professional-level quarantines. The large operation is run with only a handful of individuals, which offers a more personalized customer experience. In most cases, the individual you speak to on the phone or through email is often one of the same people caring for the livestock and packing your shipment.

TSM’s fish quarantine systems are designed to maximize individual attention when conditioning species to the prepared diets commonly used by hobbyists and aquarists. The process is the same for a $20 fish or a $20,000 fish, yet another step in ensuring a quality product.

“We recognized the serious lack of quality livestock available in the industry and have sought out to change that since our inception. Properly quarantining fish is difficult, time-consuming, expensive, and often frustrating. Our goal is to enable hobbyists to be more successful, by offering them a higher quality product from the start, and to impact the hobby by reducing excessive loss positively.” states TSM Aquatics.