Setting up new tanks can be daunting for beginners, but even experienced aquarists can come up against new hurdles, and an exploratory AquaBiomics test on Remy’s still new Red Sea Reefer G2 625 revealed both fish and coral pathogens are already present in the system. That’s right, not only can we now number chase and worry about the trace element levels that our corals need. Now we can test for microbes – bacteria – and identify the good ones that makeup part of the biodiversity of our reef tanks as well as the bad ones that can affect fish and corals, making them sick and, if the opportunity arises, killing them.
But it wouldn’t be the hobby it is if everything was easy, right? Remy gives us the full update on his tank, as well as his additional triumph over Ich, and consults our resident biologist Salem Clemens on his test results. Sit back and enjoy his pain…