Jake Adams
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Jake Adams has been an avid marine aquarist since the mid 90s and has worked in the retail side of the marine aquarium trade for more than ten years. He has a bachelor’s degree in Marine Science and has been the managing editor of ReefBuilders.com since 2008. Jake is interested in every facet of the marine aquarium hobby from the concepts to the technology, rare fish to exotic corals, and his interests are well documented through a very prolific career of speaking to reef clubs and marine aquarium events, and writing articles for aquarium publications across the globe. His primary interest is in corals which Jake pursues in the aquarium hobby as well as diving the coral reefs of the world.

Planctonics range of live reef aquarium foods hits UK via Reef Eden

Simon Garratt’s Reef Eden International has just launched a new range of live aquarium foods that includes a spectrum of live phytoplankton and zooplankton. Reef Eden Planctonics Live Copepod Rotifer mix includes both popular live zooplankton fares, rotifers and copepods,…

Lemonpeel halfblack angelfish hybrid from LiveAquaria kicks it up a notch

We’ve written about so many different varieties of lemonpeel hybrids we never thought that one could come along with such a standout pattern to warrant another post. Seriously though, lemonpeel x halfblack hybrids, lemonpeel x eibli angelfish hybrids (Tigerpyge) and…

AbyssBox comes online to display deep sea animals under enormous pressure

Imagine an aquarium with 4.25 gallons of water weighing 2/3 of a ton with the pressure of a mile under the sea and you have the AbyssBox. Designed to display deep sea creatures, the AbyssBox is both an aquarium display…

Synchiropus occidentalis dragonet from West Australia seen on video for the first time

Synchiropus occidentalis is a very rare species of dragonet from West Australia which is so seldom seen that very, very few pictures of this fish exist, let alone any video evidence. Like the green and spotted mandarin dragonets, Synchiropus occidentalis is endowed…

AI EXT hanging kit revealed in detail and demonstrated on video

The AI EXT Rail Mounting system was detailed just about a month ago and a new video from AI follows up to demonstrate what the hanging kit part of the AI EXT is all about. Hanging a single fixture of…

Leonardo’s Apogon Reef is online and looking fine

Leonardo’s Apogon Reef is the long awaited sequel coral aquarium from Dutch reef aquarist Leo Den Breejen. Ever since the infamous Formosa Forest aquarium we’ve been chomping at the bit to learn what Leo would do next. Leonardo’s been working…

AquaSpoon from AquaMedic is a handy measuring tool for aquarium additives, biopellets, media and food

The AquaSpoon from AquaMedic is an aquarium tool unlike any we have ever seen marketed directly at the aquarium market. Instead of having a full digital scale with a measuring tray on top, the handle of the AquaSpoon is the scale…

Stephanocyathus coral among many new finds of deep water marine life

Most of the deep sea exploration stories we hear about has to do with the mobile, megafauna like deep sea squids, octopus, jellyfish and the like. However a new report seen on National Geographic features at least one super nice…

World Map Aquarium concept prevents fish from getting Napoleon Complex

If you’ve ever been concerned about your fish’s emotional well being, the new World Map Aquarium is a concept which should help boost your fish’s self-esteem about its place in the world. With walls raised up to outline the major…

Super efficient LED reflector captures and reflects light from ‘Virtual LED’

A new joint effort between 3M and Todd Bracher has resulted in a new kind of LED reflector that doesn’t just spread out all the light from a single LED, but it also ‘shares’ that light with neighboring reflectors. Using…