Jake Adams
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Jake Adams has been an avid marine aquarist since the mid 90s and has worked in the retail side of the marine aquarium trade for more than ten years. He has a bachelor’s degree in Marine Science and has been the managing editor of ReefBuilders.com since 2008. Jake is interested in every facet of the marine aquarium hobby from the concepts to the technology, rare fish to exotic corals, and his interests are well documented through a very prolific career of speaking to reef clubs and marine aquarium events, and writing articles for aquarium publications across the globe. His primary interest is in corals which Jake pursues in the aquarium hobby as well as diving the coral reefs of the world.

Another stunning Jeboehlkia gladifer bladefin basslet collected and captured in a photograph

We can’t look at the cute little face of the diminutive bladefin basslet without being completely in love with it. This Jeboehlkia gladifer collected at a depth fo 600 feet and photographed by Barry Brown in Curacao is absolutely adorable. The…

Handmade strainer pot thaws and rinses frozen food in the same container

If you feed very fatty, nutritious frozen foods to your fish and reef aquarium inhabitants you know that feeding will invariably collapse your protein skimmer. Worse still, feeding frozen PE Mysis shrimp without rinsing it is like a mini-homicide on…

Showpiece blue Derasa clam headed to the Northeast

You can get blue croceas and blue maxima clams all day long but for some reason blue is the holy grail coloration of Tridacna maxima and Tridacna derasa clams. Blue Maxima clams are show-stopping dramatic looking clams but blue Derasa…

Tigger-Feast looks like a refrigerated analogue to Cyclopeeze

Tigger-Feast is a new refrigerated form of Reef Nutrition’s popular Tigger-Pods, previously only available in live form. Although the concentration of Tigger-Pods has steadily risen over the years, the new Tigger-Feast is a concentrated to the max with the little…

Hybrid triggerfish still alive and well in a marine fish aquarium

Hybrid triggerfish are so rare, we struggle to think of an example besides this one of cross breeding in the Balistidae. We’re sure that other triggerfish hybrid are out there but there’s definitely one or two orders of magnitude more…

Rogger’s Reef Food Signature Coral Blend

The frozen coral food market is a burgeoning new segment in feeding our corals as well as our fish and Chef Rogger’s new product is vying for a spot in your aquarium food freezer. Unlike many coral foods which are…

Biology of Gobies is the ultimate compendium on this popular group of aquarium fish

The Biology of Gobies is a new book on Amazon which is more less an anthology on all aspects of fishes in the family Gobiidae. The Biology of Gobies follows up on the Biology of Blennies released in 2009 with so much information…

RalfP’s mature reef aquarium is a world class coral display

RalfP’s reef aquarium is totally dope on so many levels it’s hard to know where to begin describing it. Huge mature coral colonies are creatively positioned together with large giant clams and plenty of open space in between that it…

Sexy arched acrylic mounting bracket for Ecotech marine Radion XR30w LED appears in Japan

You gotta love the entreprenurial spirit of Japan’s LSS Laboratory for having not one but two aftermarket mounting options for Ecotech Marine’s Radion XR30w LED light. The Radion has only been available in Japan for some weeks but already reefers…

Top 10 new and cool corals of 2011

2011 brought us a ton of new reef fish species and although coral species and new aquairum strains come about at a crawling pace, this year was an exceptionally good one for a broad range of corals of all types.…