Jake Adams
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Jake Adams has been an avid marine aquarist since the mid 90s and has worked in the retail side of the marine aquarium trade for more than ten years. He has a bachelor’s degree in Marine Science and has been the managing editor of ReefBuilders.com since 2008. Jake is interested in every facet of the marine aquarium hobby from the concepts to the technology, rare fish to exotic corals, and his interests are well documented through a very prolific career of speaking to reef clubs and marine aquarium events, and writing articles for aquarium publications across the globe. His primary interest is in corals which Jake pursues in the aquarium hobby as well as diving the coral reefs of the world.

Coral gene determines coral competition and aggression

A research project published today in the journal Current Biology by Matthew Nicotra et. al has discovered a Cnidarian gene which probably explains how corals and anemones react to one another. Researchers used lab strains of Hydractinia with and without…

Aquarium stimulus program, win a free Mag-Flip

Have you been saving your pennies for a new cone skimmer or did you already blow all your aquarium allowance at Reefstock? Whatever the reason, fear not because Reef Builders is kickstarting the aquarium economy with our very own Aquarium…

Dose, Seachem releases free iPhone app for dosing calculation

Dose is a new, free iPhone app from Seachem which allows the user to easily regulate their aquarium’s chemistry. I think it is safe to say that most power aquarium dosers often guesstimate how much product to add and determine…

454 bulb from UVL aims to fill the 420-470nm gap

It’s not everyday that the keystone fluorescent bulb maker Ultraviolet Lighting Co. (formerly URI) releases a new color flavor but the reefkeeping community is sure to take note of their latest production. Although the 75.25 bulb may have been received…

This weekend, NERAC in Long Island and TMAC in San Marcos

With two large marine aquarium events behind us and two more ahead of us, there’s no doubt that the marine aquarium conference season is in full swing. If you live in the Northeast, in NY or any bordering states, you…

Reefscapers demonsrates what it means to truly build a reef

Do not attempt to adjust your screen, the reefscape above really is man-made by the clearly capable reef builders at Reefscapers. The Reefscapers organization is a joint venture between the tourism industry, reef scientists and the local community involved with…

Centropyge resplendens showed off in new LA Fishguys video

We are delighted to see that Fishguy extraordinaire Jim Stime of LA Fishguys has fulfilled our request for a full featured video featuring his captive raised Resplendent Pygmy Angelfish, Centropyge resplendens. The resplendent angelfish can only be found living in…

Wave Point Technology raising the bar with upcoming premium T5 lighting products

New aquarium lighting company Wave Point Technology is set to release it’s new premium T5 product line which will undoubtedly raise the feature list for higher quality fixtures, industry wide. Upon release the Wave Point product line will include 4-bulb…

Reefs.org site overhaul rolling out March 21

The first fully fledged online reefkeeping community Reefs.org has always been on the ball in terms of rolling out new features and updates to it’s website and software. Next week the RDO crew will have a lot more to show…

Virtual Reality tour of New Caledonia coral reefs

For those of us who can’t afford to a take a vacation to the other side of the world right now, the Quicktime Virtual Reality Tour (QVTR) of a coral reef might be the next best thing. The panoramic image…