Jake Adams
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Jake Adams has been an avid marine aquarist since the mid 90s and has worked in the retail side of the marine aquarium trade for more than ten years. He has a bachelor’s degree in Marine Science and has been the managing editor of ReefBuilders.com since 2008. Jake is interested in every facet of the marine aquarium hobby from the concepts to the technology, rare fish to exotic corals, and his interests are well documented through a very prolific career of speaking to reef clubs and marine aquarium events, and writing articles for aquarium publications across the globe. His primary interest is in corals which Jake pursues in the aquarium hobby as well as diving the coral reefs of the world.

Mag-Flip algae cleaning magnet is a winner

The Mag-Flip algae magnet is one of those products that makes you wonder “How did someone think to do that?”  When we first saw the marketing for this product we weren’t convinced that anyone would want or need to have…

Giant Stingray caught and released in Thailand

The record setter in the image above was recently caught on reel in a freshwater river in Thailand. Giant freshwater rays occur in Southeast Asia and Northern Australia and it is unclear whether or not this species can venture into…

Advanced Lighting Solutions forged by two of the aquarium lighting industry’s best

Here on Reef Builders we usually report on the announcements of new products but it’s not everyday we get to spill the beans on a brand new company, Advanced Lighting Solutions (ALS). ALS may be a new company but it’s…

Weekend Video Roundup

After stumbling on more than a handful of interesting reef videos this weekend, we decided to put together a whole post on all of them. The five videos we are featuring are a hidge podge of hobbyist, naturalist and science…

Maxea clams get the full mantle treatment

Alright all you naysayers, just simmer down for a second and let us get some words out before you get all riled up in the comments. First of all, please raise your hand if you’ve ever seen a ghostly white…

Terminal phase supermale tiger wrasse, Thallassoma hardwicki

The tiger wrasse, Thallassoma hardwicki, may not be all that uncommon but it is a rare sight to see a fully grown supermale specimen. Hardiwcki wrasses are often seen at the LFS as small 3-4″ specimens which barely display the…

E-lite LED light from Elos might be crippled by the LED patent

For a high end light targeted at nano tanks, besides looking good and being bright the E-lite sure doesn’t do much else. There is no built in timer, there is no dimming feature, there is no separate circuit for turning…

Octopus blames SoCal Aquarium staff for flooding

The staff of the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium discovered tuesday morning that hundreds of gallons of seawater had flooded the building. The source of the flooding was discovered to originate from an octopus aquarium which had been carelessly designed to…

Histiophryne psychedelica: Psychedelic frogfish has no lure and it doesn’t swim

What do you get when you cross a human face with an anglerfish and a beach ball? You get a psychedelic frogfish with forward facing eyes that prefers to bounce around over swimming.  The freaky flat anglerfish we first told…

Richard Pyle talks about exploring the reef’s Twilight Zone

Richard Pyle is the pre-eminent fish nerd, deep diver extraordinaire. In this illuminating video Dr. Pyle talks about what it’s like to do really deep dive and the focus it takes to cacth elusive fish at those depths. Richard’s main…