jeff kurtz
383 Articles204 Comments

Guide to Choosing Healthy Saltwater Fish at your LFS

A healthy, thriving community of saltwater fish begins with the judicious selection of specimens at your LFS. While not every potential health problem or disease will be evident to the naked eye, cautious appraisal of all prospective specimens for health…

Research Your New Saltwater Aquarium. Don’t Gamble with Success!

You’ve, no doubt, heard the old saying, “Nothing succeeds like success.” Nowhere is this adage more true than in the saltwater aquarium hobby. Trust us when we say that learning the fundamentals of saltwater aquarium keeping before heading to your…

Want to Set Up a Saltwater Aquarium? Get Started Here.

So, you’ve decided you’d like to set up a saltwater aquarium—a little slice of ocean right in your own living space. We’d like to congratulate you and bid you fond welcome to a very rewarding hobby! Now, where to begin?…