Jon Carvallo
15 Articles0 Comments

ORA announces White Bonnet Clownfish coming in 2014 (with awesome video)

As you may recall, last year we reported a story about a very special pair of White Bonnet clownfish (Amphirpion leucokranos, aka “White Cap”) that made a voyage from Ocean Gallery II to the ORA hatchery in Florida, nearly getting lost…

Thieves in Ohio make away with all of Dirk’s equipment – $1,000 reward if found

While these certainly aren’t the stories we like hearing about or reporting, from time to time we learn about theft within the industry. This time, it hits pretty close to home. We were just informed that while on schedule to…

Peppermint Angels are officially making their way around the world

As we all know, there are thousands of different species of fish available in the aquarium trade, and we all have our favorites. There is no denying, however, that the Peppermint Angelfish, Paracentyropyge boylei, is by far one of the most highly…

$2,425 two-polyp Palythoa frag sale reminds us that zoanthid collectors mean business

As many of us have witnessed, there are lots of coral ‘fads’ that have come and gone over the years. From the early-on craze over the  Australian Acan Lords to the tiniest little frag of a Rainbow Echinophylia, there are…

The Indian Ocean is producing some really nice tricolor “Koi” Scopas Tangs

We’re not sure exactly what’s stirring up in the waters of the Indian Ocean, but it’s definitely producing some gnarly aberrations of the commonly known scopas tang, Zebrasoma scopas, that we know and love. This little gem shows similar characteristics to…