Joost de Vries
309 Articles0 Comments

The “Stealth” is Volx Japan’s most gorgeous fixture yet

LSS Laboratory, the Japanese company known for it’s exciting products and leaking of new equipment coming from Japan and Asia, recently released pictures of the latest fixture coming from Volx Japan. Called the “Stealth” this Japanese-made LED fixture is absolutely…

The NR12 led spotlight is Orphek’s latest PAR 38 fixture.

The NR12 nano reef LED fixtures are the latest PAR 38 fixtures coming from Orphek. The NR12 fixtures look almost identical to the Ecoxotic par38 lights we spotted two months ago, and it would be safe to assume that both…

Reef Dynamics filtersock adapter for your skimmer

The Reef Dynamics filtersock adapter is a simple, but clever way to add a filter sock to your filtration line up. Simply attach the filtersock adapter to your skimmer, attach the filter sock to your adapter, and you’re all set,…

1/2 inch thick vertical edge 2 gallon micro-reef pico is sure to fit your coldwater pico needs

The biggest technical challenge cold water marine aquarists face is “tank sweating”, which is caused by water vapor condensing on the cold surface of the glass or acrylic. This vertical edge pico reef aquarium by micro-reef systems with 1/2 thick…

Would you spend $20 on a snail if it looked this good?

You’re probably used to spending a maximum of $3 on a snail, perhaps a little more if you are really unlucky. But if all marine snails looked as good as the coldwater Jewel Top Snail (Calliostoma annulatum) would you be…

Emanuele Filippone reef from Italy is great example of simple reef keeping

The reef of Emanuele Filippone is a great example of not just a beautiful reef, but also of simplified reef keeping. This system, which is an Elos 120, was Emanuele first reef in over a decade, and in the beginning…

Videos of thresher sharks whipping behavior released for the first time

Thresher sharks are known for their extremely long tails, which as previously hypothesized by marine biologist, used as a whip to stun and kill prey.  The whipping behavior has been observed by divers before, and has been filmed as part of an…

United States drops (unarmed) bombs on Great Barrier Reef

Last week the United States dropped four bombs on the Great Barrier Reef when a training exercise went awry. Although the bombs were unarmed and did not explode, nor created any physical damage to the reef, the event has created…

The stunning and groundbreaking University of Hawaii confocal microscope images get indepth attention from PBS

We recently highlighted the stunning confocal microscope images the University of Hawaii has been taking of living corals under fluorescent lighting, mainly focusing on the beautiful and in a sense almost magical aspect of the images and video. This PBS…

The Alaskan reefs feature some staggering beauty [VIDEO]

The myriad of seapens, the field of anemones, the mesmerizing kelp in the wave and the unbelievable closeups of invertebrates including a variety of shrimps, crabs, and hermit crabs, truly make this Alaska dive video a sight to behold. The…