Joost de Vries
309 Articles0 Comments

Colwater Marine Aquatics lands some absolutely adorable Dango Lumpsuckers [VIDEO]

Lumpsucker lovers beware, Coldwater Marine Aquatics managed to import a group of Lethotremus awae from Japan, and these little suckers (pun intended) are absolutely adorable. Called Dango-uo in Japanese, we’ll call them Dango Lumpsuckers. Lumpsuckers are not fish you typically…

Banggai Rescue book getting closer to final release

It was over a year ago that we first covered the Banggai Rescue Kickstarter project, which was ran to fund a book about the Pterapogon kauderni and the project to bring the Cardinals back from the brink of extinction along with a small…

Pieter-Six-Meter 2000 gallon reef update shows remarkable growth [VIDEO]

It has been nearly two and a half years since we last shared Pieter-Six-Meter‘s 2000 gallon reef and after viewing this video, the difference  is remarkable as suspected. The corals have grown in so much the system looks like another…

The Alternative Reef Powerstation is the perfect way to hide your powerhead with style

The Alternative Reef is at it again with another awesome rock structure to hide pumps from view, the Alternative Reef Powerstation. Unlike its previous more branch like version of the design, the Alternative Reef went with a reef shelf-like structure.…

Dakkang’s spectacular reef from Korea

Dakkang is another talented reef aquarist from Korea, with aquascaping skills to boot. The previous rock arrangement of this 98 gallon reef was quite impressive, but the aquascape recently got a complete overhaul to optimize the water flow. The result…

MIA x Coral Morphologic skateboards apeal to skaters and reefers alike

Coral Morphologic is well known in the aquarium world for their coral photography and art projects, and their very interesting work regarding urban corals in downtown Miami. Some of you might especially remember their role in bringing attention to the hybrid Acropora x ‘prolifera’, which is…

Skimz Oval Protein Skimmer design cuts footprint by nearly 25%

Skimz should by now have have registered in your mind as one of those companies that is constantly innovating. Skimz was rather quick to jump on the DC pump bandwagon (although certainly not the first), and they’ve obsessed with space saving…

Synergy Reef Systems travel frag tank is ready for anything

This Synergy Travel Frag tank is sure to please those looking for a portable frag tank solution. The portable travel frag tank was manufactured by Synergy Reef Systems, a high quality everything-acrylic-related manufacturer, located right here in the United States. Synergy…

Kalk King gets thorough video overview of its working

Kalk King is an exciting new automated Kalkwasser dosing system by E-Fins, who you might recall from the Algae Mower Vac. We thoroughly covered the workings of the Kalk King, but E-Fins just released a video with an overview of their automated…

Natural Aquario products are highly reminiscent of ADA but a fraction of the price

Natural Aquario (NA) is an planted aquarium company from Portugal dedicated to “producing the highest quality aquarium dry goods, at the most competitive and reasonable price”. Although from the pictures it is quite clear these products certainly are (or at…