Justin Credabel
4 Articles0 Comments

Justin Credabel’s Goniopower coming soon from Two Little Fishies to feed your flowerpot corals

Goniopower is a new coral food developed by Justin Credabel to be easily consumed by Goniopora and Alveopora flowerpot corals. We are very proud of Justin’s new product and we’ll let him tell you what Goniopower is in his own…

Uses for Hydrogen Peroxide in the aquarium: Algae Removal

I would like to introduce a tool that I have found extremely useful in my years of aquaculturing coral. Hydrogen peroxide has been a time saver, and a life saver (as well as harbinger of near total death and destruction). For…

New Ecoray LED Lighting System to join Reefstock LED Showcase

Virtually every LED light system for reef tanks will be featured at this year’s Reefstock. So it is my pleasure to introduce the Ecoray High Power LED light from Naxandra Inc. This light has been in development over the last…

The RO/DI Calcium Carbonate Cartridge

I hope to spawn the acceptance of the idea that R/O units should have one more filtration module standard. What would be in this new canister? Aragonite. CaC03. Calcium carbonate. Yup, the reef aquarist’s best friend. Basically coral skeleton (there…