Matt Pedersen
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Matt Pedersen is an interactive software developer and part-time fly fishing guide originally from Chicago, IL and current living in Duluth, MN, USA. Additionally, Matt has experience as a professional orchid breeder and certified fly rod builder. Matt has been a marine aquarist for 23 years, and an aquarist for 28+. After spending time on every side of the aquarium industry (retail, commercial and private maintenance & installation, wholesale, hatchery), he currently considers himself a "professional hobbyist". Most recently, Matt has currently spawned 22 species of marine fish, successfully raising 8 of them to date including one worldwide first (the Harlequin Filefish, Oxymonacanthus longirostris), as well as attempted another 6 invertebrate species to date. Most all of this was accomplished with less than 100 gallons of total working capacity, and all in closed culture. In 2010, Matt Pedersen was selected as the breeder of choice to work with the now famous "PNG Lightning Maroon Clownfish" from the SEASMART program, and chronicles the efforts to propagate this one-of-a-kind fish online at The Lightning Project. Matt Pedersen is credited with starting MOFIB (Marine Ornamental Fish & Invertebrate Breeder's Association) and writing for multiple publications including Coral, Koralle, Practical Fish Keeping, Reef Hobbyist Magazine and Reef Builders. Matt has spoken at numerous aquarium clubs and events from coast to coast. He currently sits on the MBI (Marine Breeding Initiative) Council, a project dedicated to bringing the concept of a unified Marine Breeder's Award Program to hobbyist organizations across the country and around the globe. In 2009, Matt was awarded "Aquarist of the Year" honors by both IMAC West and MASNA in recognition of his accomplishments and contributions to the marine aquarium hobby. Last updated October, 2010.

Introducing the Split Face Clownfish, a Fire X Barberi Clownfish Hybrid

Clownfish breeder Paul Tremblay of 2 Clowns in Gatineau, Quebec, Canada, has been working on a hybrid project since early February, 2015. The story goes like this according to Paul; “We had this nice wild female [Barberi Clownfish] by herself, and one of…

Unboxing the Jellyfish Art Cylinder Nano Aquarium

Jellyfish Art launched a Kickstarter Campaign showing off a completely redesigned desktop nano aquarium for keeping the Moon Jellyfish; this aquarium was shown off at both MACNA 2015 and more recently the Aquatic Experience – Chicago.  Now, we’re able to give…

Rare Madagascar Clownfish Offered via eBay

Last year, Ross DeAngelis caught the attention of clownfish enthusiasts with his announcement of success in breeding the very rare Madagascar Clownfish, Amphiprion latifasicatus. Many have speculated what would happen next, and this past week the first offering of this…

Proaquatix’s new captive-bred Jackknife Fish: Why you need them!

On June 16, 2015, Proaquatix officially released the news that they’ve successfully spawned and reared the Jackknife Fish, Equetus lanceolatus (see the press release and additional images at the end of this article). This isn’t a species first; captive-breeding of the Jack-Knifefish was…

Mocha Frostbite Clownfish are one of the Newest Designer Hybrids has started offering one of the latest permutations of designer hybrid clownfishes, the Mocha Frostbite. It didn’t take rocket science to create this new variation. At its core, the Mocha hybrid has been around for over a decade, being the…

Rising Tide Updates Melanurus Wrasse Breeding Success

Pictured above are Halichoeres melanurus, captive-bred and shown here, fully settled and in juvenile coloration, at 36 days post hatch. Back in mid February, Kevin Barden, a member of the current Rising Tide Conservation program working at the Tropical Aquaculture…

Sustainable Aquatics’ Wheely Complete: Unboxed, Installed, And Reviewed

Sustainable Aquatics introduced the Wheely Complete Bio Processor in 2014, marketing this device as “Powerful Biofiltration for Heavily-Stocked Systems”. Matthew Carberry personally delivered one to me at the 5th Annual Marine Breeders Workshop in July, and I brought it home…

Melanurus Wrasse Bred In Captivity

In a short updated published by Rising Tide Conservation last night, Kevin Barden laid claim to the first captive-breeding of the Melanurus Wrasse, Halicheores melanurus. This now brings the total of tropical wrasses bred in captivity to two (the first being…

Sunset Mocha Clownfish is Latest Twist on Cocktail Clownfish

If anyone is left wondering what the real guppies of the marine aquarium world are, it’s the clownfish, specifically Amphiprion ocellaris, A. percula, the Darwin Black, and all the myriad variations that are being discovered and/or created. The combination of…

Fisheye Aquaculture’s Captive-Bred Porkfish – Commercially Available

Captive breeding continues to grow in many ways, and one of the newest barometers of captive-breeding influence might be the amount of pelagic-spawning marine fishes becoming routinely commercially available. Fisheye’s Jonathan Foster really hits this point home, stating that here in the…