Matt Pedersen
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Matt Pedersen is an interactive software developer and part-time fly fishing guide originally from Chicago, IL and current living in Duluth, MN, USA. Additionally, Matt has experience as a professional orchid breeder and certified fly rod builder. Matt has been a marine aquarist for 23 years, and an aquarist for 28+. After spending time on every side of the aquarium industry (retail, commercial and private maintenance & installation, wholesale, hatchery), he currently considers himself a "professional hobbyist". Most recently, Matt has currently spawned 22 species of marine fish, successfully raising 8 of them to date including one worldwide first (the Harlequin Filefish, Oxymonacanthus longirostris), as well as attempted another 6 invertebrate species to date. Most all of this was accomplished with less than 100 gallons of total working capacity, and all in closed culture. In 2010, Matt Pedersen was selected as the breeder of choice to work with the now famous "PNG Lightning Maroon Clownfish" from the SEASMART program, and chronicles the efforts to propagate this one-of-a-kind fish online at The Lightning Project. Matt Pedersen is credited with starting MOFIB (Marine Ornamental Fish & Invertebrate Breeder's Association) and writing for multiple publications including Coral, Koralle, Practical Fish Keeping, Reef Hobbyist Magazine and Reef Builders. Matt has spoken at numerous aquarium clubs and events from coast to coast. He currently sits on the MBI (Marine Breeding Initiative) Council, a project dedicated to bringing the concept of a unified Marine Breeder's Award Program to hobbyist organizations across the country and around the globe. In 2009, Matt was awarded "Aquarist of the Year" honors by both IMAC West and MASNA in recognition of his accomplishments and contributions to the marine aquarium hobby. Last updated October, 2010.

Proaquatix Annouced as Worldwide Distributor for Albino Clownfish – Updated!

German marine fish breeder Marcel Triessl, currently residing in South Africa, quietly announced this week that Proaquatix is the sole world distributor for Albino Ocellaris Clownfish with the exception of distribution within South Africa.  No word yet on an official…

Captive Bred Cypho purpurascens still a rarity!

It is a known fact that the Oblique-Lined or Mccullochi Dottyback is still a rarity in the hobby.  When Cypho purpurascens shows up in the trade, this stunning fish easily fetches $80 to $100+ for the “drab” female, with top…

ORA releasing Captive Bred Psychedelic Mandarins, including pairs!

ORA is at it again.  The rumors were true!  About a month after the release of ORA’s first captive bred Spotted Mandarins (Synchiropus picturatus) comes the announcement that the Blue Psychedelic Mandarin Dragonettes (Synchiropus splendidus) are being released (press release…

C-Quest Releasing Captive Bred Golden Damselfish, Amblyglyphidodon aureus

It’s Friday, July 30th, and the rumors are circulating that C-Quest is releasing captive bred Golden Damselfish, Amblyglyphidodon aureus (thanks to The Ediaz for tipping us off!).  C-Quest customers, check your latest availability lists!  Let me emphasize the “captive-bred” part. …

Invasive lionfish now being colleced from the Caribbean and offered for sale to the aquarium trade

The “Plague” of Lionfish invading the Caribbean and Florida continues. One of the latest solutions to at least control their populations has been to popularize the Caribbean Lionfish as a target for spearfishers and haute cuisine for your dinnerplate!  To…

Joe Lichtenbert and Reef Propagations, Inc. retiring

A quiet Midwestern dynasty spanning two decades is coming to a close.  After 21 years as a commercial ornamental marine fish hatchery operator, Joe Lichtenbert, proprietor of Reef Propagations, Inc., is hanging up the nets. I first became aware of…

Captive Bred Mandarin Feeding Video

[youtube width=”640″ height=”385″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZEGItO4zZU[/youtube] We cannot get enough of these new releases from ORA.  This amazing video,  shared by Dustin Dorton of ORA, provides a rare glimpse into ORA’s culture setup. The video demonstrates the feeding response of captive bred Synchiropus…

Sustainable Collection vs. Captive Breeding – Is There Room For Both?

You’re seeing it everywhere.  “Sustainability”.  You’re going to see this buzzword-of-the-decade coming up more and more as we debate a more responsible marine aquarium trade for the future, such as Ret Talbot’s hot-off-the-presses article on PNG’s Seasmart Program in this…

So really, how important is it to feed aquarium fish frequently?

Most of us are familiar with recommendations like “feed your fish only a couple times per week to minimize organic waste in a reef tank”.  These recommendations also stem from the fact that most beginning hobbyists simply overfeed so we…

Aberrant Amphiprion percula clownfish from the Solomon Islands arrive en masse at Blue Zoo Aquatics

Blue Zoo Aquatics has revamped their “Collector’s Choice” WYSIWYG offerings, lumping their choicest fish into a new, broader category called the “Weekly Top 50”. Some beautifully unique wild-caught Solomon Island Percula Clownfish (Amphiprion percula) were placed up last week. It’s…