A quick glance at the Elos Europe website and you might notice something missing. The Elos system Mini which is a very popular seller for nano aquariums has vanished from the website. Generally when this happens either Elos is discontinuing…
First Defense Stress Relief for Reefs by Dr Tim’s Aquatics
First Defense was developed to help fish adapt to new environments by assisting the fishes’ natural immune system. Changing the environment of a fish causes stress that robs fish of essential nutrients and can weaken their immune system. First Defense…
Nutramar Ova fish food is made from prawn eggs
Nutramar produces a product called Ova. Ova is made from all natural prawn eggs. “These eggs are highly nutritious and are an ideal size for feeding corals and smaller fish. Ova makes soft corals, small and large polyp scleractinia (SPS…
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Publishes CITES Proposals
The United States Fish and Wildlife Service published a notice which describes proposed resolutions, decisions and agenda items that the United States may submit for consideration at the conference of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild…
New Elos suncolor LED captured on video
Elos has released a video of their new Suncolor LED module in action. The module which looks like the original Elos suncolor that used a 150 HQI metal halide bulb, but instead this module uses all LEDs. A quick glance…
Plasma lighting by Aqua Illumination gets its own tank
The new plasma light that is still being tested by Aqua Illumination was mounted above a tank and the lighting unit looks to be very bright. The emitter that is used in the unit is a Luxim STA-40 plasma lamp…
Filtration at LiveAquaria is taken very seriously
The filtration system to keep LiveAquaria up and running is amazing. There isn’t anything else that can compare that is selling livestock commercially. To give you an example of how big LiveAquaria is, they have 1200 fish in stock and…
LiveAquaria’s nifty drain makes us jealous
The maintenance regime of Live Aquaria is just astounding, the place which is usually spotless goes throught quite a bit of water. The entire system gets small water changes every day with packing and shipping orders. The staff cleans the…
LiveAquaria’s saltwater fish boxing process
So have you ever wondered what the process of getting your Live Aquaria package is? Who packs the package? How did they fish arrive in the plastic bags? We recently got to see a hands on view of the entire…
ATB Deluxe Internal cone skimmers coming stateside soon
Here are some of the first pictures of ATB‘s latest skimmer in their Deluxe line. This is the internal version of their Deluxe line of protein skimmers, while the external has been seen in all sorts of ways this is…