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Kai is a systematic ichthyologist at The Australian Museum, Sydney. His research interests combine the use of cutting-edge next generation sequencing techniques with traditional methods of morphology to better understand the evolutionary history of coral reef fishes. He is a legacy ReefBuilders contributor, having previously written close to give hundred articles under his pseudonym LemonTYK.

Stunning juvenile Centropyge interrupta showcased by BlueHabor

Centropyge interrupta is perhaps the poster child for rare dwarf angels, easily recognized by aquarist world wide. There’s nothing quite like the sparkly blue spots against the intense orange body that all life stages of this dwarf angelfish possess, but its…

Super clear videos of Genicanthus semicinctus filmed in the wild

Genicanthus semicinctus is certainly no stranger to the most enthusiastic of Angelfish fans. Endemic to the Kermadec Islands and Lord Howe region, the half banded  is obviously out of reach to anyone who might even dare dream of owning one.…

Purple Purple Tang and White-barred Asfur Angelfish are not your average Red Sea imports

For quite some time now the Hawaiian Yellow Tangs and Scopas Tangs have been hogging the limelight in the aberrant department for Zebrasoma surgeonfishes. Piebald yellow tangs, tricolor Scopas tangs and even pure white yellow tangs with fancy super-hero names given!…

Sustainable aquatics shows off captive bred pinnatus batfish

Sustainable aquatics has on display a really cool captive raised Pinnatus Batfish. The flamboyant jet black fish outlined in orange makes for an amazing display that has gathered tons of attention since the beginning of the show. The contrastingly colored…

Great turnout and response at Reef-A-Palooza this year

Day one of Reef-A-Palooza is almost at its end and what a great turnout it has been. We’ve had plenty of queries and interest in our little Captive Bred Flame Angelfish exhibition here at the Reefbuilder’s lounge. Check out the…

AcanLighting’s LED lights up an 8ft tank pretty well

The new LEDs by AcanLighting are pretty darn sweet. The 8ft tank above is lit up by three units at 70 watts each. The subpar picture from my iPhone doesn’t quite show it but it’s bright! With all the new…

Karen Talbot painting live at Reef-A-Palooza, amazing fish art for sale

Karen Talbot is once again at Reef-A-Palooza displaying her gorgeous art pieces for sale. Better yet, she’s also here painting in person and man has she got some talent! You can pick up her amazing art work in postcard sizes…

Captive bred Flame Angelfish displaying by Reef Builder’s lounge at Reef-A-Palooza

With Reef-A-Palooza 2011 almost in full swing, the Reef Builder’s lounge is up and running and packing some heat. Housed in the new JBJ 8 gallon nano tank and equipped with the new JBJ Unibody LED reef lighting are two…

The black-margin dottyback, Pseudochromis tapeinosoma, is rarely seen and full of character

The first time I ever saw and heard of this cool little fish was back in January this year. Back then I had no idea what this little fish was, and so did many other people. After digging around and…

Super rare Chaetodontoplus niger photographed in Oak Island, Japan

Chaetodontoplus niger is a fish so seldom seen and so little is known about, that the word rare is quite simply, an extreme understatement. It is possibly the rarest member of the Chaetodontoplus genus, along with C. ballinae. There have…