
Unique and weird jawfish-mimic octopus interaction videoed in Lembeh Straits

[vimeo width=”680″ height=”420″]http://vimeo.com/23317612[/vimeo] The video by Godehard Korp is certainly one of the strangest and most unique interactions between marine animals we have ever seen. The Mimic Octopus shown crawling on the muck reefs of Lembeh-Straits has a truly unique…

Opistognathus hopkinsi: first pictures of a live one from Japan

Opistognathus hopkinsi is a beautiful, coldwater jawfish which has never before been photographed alive. If you thought that the blue spot jawfish, Opistognathus rosenblatti, was the bee’s knees of burrowing, mouthy fish then you haven’t been introduced to Hopkin’s jawfish.…