Clean Up Crew: The Short Version by Ronald Shimek, Ph. D.

If an aquarist desires to have a captive reef in their aquarium, it is essential that they try to include all levels of a normal ecosystem. Our little reefs are really small artificial ecosystems and to avoid problems, all the…

Another Crazy King Bicolor Angelfish scored by Bali Aquarium!

It’s been a while since we documented a crazy looking Bicolor Angelfish and weird Angelfish are one of our favorite marine life topics. Even if Centropyge bicolor is a very common fish, Xanthic or aberrant morphs of that particular species…

Golden Clownfish pictures highlight this most exquisite reef fish

The Golden CLownfish of Dr. Chung stunned the world yesterday with only a short, not too well focused video. Well if you thought that was something, just wait until you get a load of these fresh pictures Dr. Chung made…

Cone protein skimmers, the skoner roundup

Now that the cone protein skimmer bandwagon is in full swing, it’s time for a recap of which company is making what. With all the new skoners popping up these days, you might be overwhelmed at the choice of cone…