An Abridged How-to on Algae Control in your saltwater aquarium

  Algae— these simple, unicellular or colonial, photosynthetic eukaryotic plant cells, are remarkable. From planktonic blooms to giant kelp beds to algal films micrometers thin, algae of all types form the base of a global ecosystem, cycling carbon, oxygen and…

Why Reverse Osmosis is a must when keeping a saltwater aquarium

Maintaining good water quality is a foregone conclusion in fishkeeping, but it cannot be stressed long and hard enough when it comes to keeping corals. Perhaps it is not surprising then that some enthusiasts adopt almost clinical levels of cleanliness…

Cycling (Curing) Live Rock for saltwater aquariums

A lot has been written about reef aquariums and their cycling process, starting with “cured” live rock, how much live rock to purchase because it is needed in the tank, and what kind you should get. These methods certainly work…

Released: Marine Enterprises Crystal Sea Marinemix Salt Mix

Because Quality Does Matter! Wherever there is a need to duplicate natural seawater . . . Crystal Sea® is essential. Scientifically formulated to contain the major, minor, and trace elements to support any form of marine life. Ideally suited for…

Bristle Worm Removal from Saltwater Aquariums

Bristle worms can be, and usually, are a real problem for reef hobbyists. Indeed, they create havoc in the aquarium, especially when they grow to larger sizes. Bristle worms grow quickly! Real quickly! They feed on anything they can find…

Controlling Problem Algae in the Reef Aquarium

Mike Paletta is the author of The New Marine Aquarium and Ultimate Marine Aquariums. He has been in the hobby for over 15 years and has written numerous articles for Aquarium Fish Magazine, Tropical Fish Hobbyist and Aquarium Frontiers. After…

Water changes are key to a sucessful reef tank

The most time consuming and least pleasurable task that needs to be done is a water change. There has been much debate as to whether water changes are necessary or not, as well as how often and how much should…

Refugiums in the reef marine aquarium and why you need one

When setting up a salt water aquarium, one of the most efficient ways of filtration is the addition of a refugium. Not only does it help remove nutrients out of the water, but also serves as a sanctuary for micro-organisms…

How to Remove Bubble Algae From your Saltwater Aquairum with Syringes

So currently in my tank I have quite a lot of bubble algae, and the bubbles keep popping releasing there spores into the tank to grow more. I am getting sick of it so I bought some professional grade needle…

10 things I would have done differently.

I believe learning in this hobby is a daily adventure. There are tons of things I know today that would have helped me greatly when getting going in this hobby only a short 14 months ago which could have avoided…