Besides having a knack for creative LFS names, the Japanese are also highly skilled in obtaining crazy fish, many of which are unlikely to register in the minds of the day to day hobbyist. Japanese fish store Remix has just obtained…
Search Results For: Blue Harbor
Awesome Fish Spotlight: Prismatic Tosanoides flavofasciatus
A throwback to our final Osaka review saw us mentioning briefly the incredible prismatic beauty of Tosanoides flavofasciatus. Like Liopropoma aurora, this species, especially this particular specimen is deserving of a full and separate post to really showcase its beauty and…
Opulent Osaka part 3: Dr. Shimokobe’s deluge of deepwater treasures
We’ve arrived at our third installation of our Osaka recount and if you’re still following, then thank you, and we hope you’ve enjoyed parts 1 and 2. We visited one of our favourite aquarist in Osaka, and we’ve featured his…
Reef fish caricature collar pins are the perfect accessories for your geeky fish nerd apparel
Dying to own a pair of Haemulon squamipinna Havaianas slippers? Are Yellow Tang fanny packs or assorted fish wholesaler collectible T-shirts gracing your closet? Want to secretly wear your LiveAquaria T-shirt while travelling but with fear of people judging? Listen,…
Opulent Osaka Part 1: Makoto Matsuoka’s decade old Prognathodes collection
We just got back from a three day trip to Osaka and if you’re a fish lover, you’re going to want to keep your eyes peeled and attention focused on this page for the next week at least. Japan as…
Liopropoma lunulatum offered in the pink of health for the first time by De Jong Marine
Liopropoma has been a much talked about genus here, especially in the last few months. With Liopropoma fasciatum claiming fish of the year and L. aberrans making a scene in Singapore, our obvious love for this genus is poorly concealed. We even have a pretty…
Awesome Fish Spotlight: Lavish Liopropoma, the Golden Basslet
Our first Awesome Fish Spotlight for 2015 goes to the infallibly lavish Liopropoma aberrans, otherwise known as the Golden Basslet. L. aberrans is a cornea scorching fish with an incredibly vibrant combination of saturated yolk-yellow, bleeding into a rich tangerine toward the centre.…
ORA Answers Kamohara Fang Blenny Personal Ad
Technically, ORA succeeded in breeding the never-before-seen-in-the-trade Japanese Kamohara Fang Blenny in Fall, 2014, but other than a casual mention on their Facebook page of the success, they sat and waited to show off this stunning addition to the world…
Citron Clownfish—Bali Aquarich’s New Intergeneric Hybrid Anemonefish
A very interesting clownfish was recently brought to my attention by MJ Jones, who saw the fish labeled as “CF217X” at east coast wholesaler Carolina Aquatics, asking what I thought it was. Anyone who has become enthralled with the Anemonefish produced…
Awesome Fish Spotlight: Serranus luciopercanus, the Walleye Basslet
Today’s Awesome Fish Spotlight features another Curaçao gem from the genus Serranus. We love Serranus, and over the years we’ve covered articles on a wide range of species from this genus. The genus attains highest development in the Atlantic, especially…