The genus Bodianus has got to be one of the the favorites amongst reefers and fish lovers alike. They’re robust, hardy, have so much personality and not to mention beautiful. Here at ReefBuilders, we’ve already covered many of the rarer…
Search Results For: blueharbor
Lagoon shows off a unique four step photograph of a transforming Tosanoides flavofasciatus
Lagoon of Japan recently scored with a female T. flavofasciatus that came singly without a male partner. We wrote about this female not very far back, but at that time, we had no idea that Lagoon from Japan was putting together a…
Full Spectrum KR93SP was released in Japan
We post the news that eco-lamps, Blue Harbor and 1.023World coraborates to create real full spectrum LED system light before. Now it is sold in Japan through 1.023World online store. What they…
Hybrid multicolor angelfish from Cebu may not be a coincidence after all
Centropyge hybrids are currently the cool kids at the party and have been circulating the industry and internet so widely that you might think it’ll be hard to pull another textbook-defying specimen out of the sea. While super rare hybrids…
Freshly caught deepwater Atlantic rarities puts the “D” in deep
The awesome Lipogramma evides pictured above is just one of many super rare fishes recently brought up from the deepwaters of Curacao. The seemingly boring looking fish in monochrome may look ordinary, but do not be fooled. L. evides is…
Stunning juvenile Centropyge interrupta showcased by BlueHabor
Centropyge interrupta is perhaps the poster child for rare dwarf angels, easily recognized by aquarist world wide. There’s nothing quite like the sparkly blue spots against the intense orange body that all life stages of this dwarf angelfish possess, but its…
Eco-Lamps Full Spectrum Edition KR93 LED coming soon from 1.023 world and Blue Harbor
The Eco-Lamps Full Spectrum Edition KR93 is a special joint venture between 1.023 World and Blue Harbor in Japan. In lieu of making a whole new LED fixture, Blue Harbor and 1.023 World had the idea of taking a solid…
Orange-margin butterflyfish video from Blue Harbor features a never before seen juvenile
Prognathodes basabei is a remarkable species of butterflyfish that lives in the depths of Hawaii and nowhere else in the world. The gorgeous orange margin butterflyfish possesses a unique beauty and the extreme depth in which it lives in makes…
Bladefin and golden basslets get spotlit in their own videos from Blue harbor
The Bladefin basslet, Jeboehlkia gladifer, and the Golden basslet, Liopropoma aberrans, are a couple of extremely deep water Caribbean which have only recently seen the light of day alive thanks to recent collection efforts with deep diving submersible. Our first…
Plectranthias sagamiensis video from Blue Harbor
It’s no secret that Plectranthias fascinate us; P. nanus is a tiny one, P. xanthomaculatus was recently described from Taiwan and of course we have a red Plectranthias inermis running around our own tanks. Technically Plectranthias are an anthias but…