Julian’s Thing is a sophisticated coral feeder and liquid applicator

The cheeky ad campaign that Two Little Fishes started to promote Julian’s Thing has been revealed to be for a fancy coral feeder and liquid applicator. The large syringe that powers the feeder is finely controlled using the thumb to…

Rio Coral Feeders enable you to get all medieval on target feeding your corals

Whether you are into chalices, scolies, acans or some other group of ravenous heterotrophic large polyp stony coral, either way by now you should have learned that your fleshy stoneys really love to be target fed with little bits of…

Coral Feeder from H2O Life is not for basting turkeys

If you’ve ever tried to target feed corals or other inverts with a regular old turkey baster, then you know how difficult it can be to gently squeeze out a small portion onto your targeted organism. It may be a…