2010 was a massive year for marine fish captive breeding

In May of this year, I asked if 2010 would be the year that the marine aquarium hobby shifted to breeding. By September of this year, I felt we already had our answer since this has indeed been one of…

Captive Bred Cypho purpurascens still a rarity!

It is a known fact that the Oblique-Lined or Mccullochi Dottyback is still a rarity in the hobby.  When Cypho purpurascens shows up in the trade, this stunning fish easily fetches $80 to $100+ for the “drab” female, with top…

ORA releasing Captive Bred Psychedelic Mandarins, including pairs!

ORA is at it again.  The rumors were true!  About a month after the release of ORA’s first captive bred Spotted Mandarins (Synchiropus picturatus) comes the announcement that the Blue Psychedelic Mandarin Dragonettes (Synchiropus splendidus) are being released (press release…

C-Quest Releasing Captive Bred Golden Damselfish, Amblyglyphidodon aureus

It’s Friday, July 30th, and the rumors are circulating that C-Quest is releasing captive bred Golden Damselfish, Amblyglyphidodon aureus (thanks to The Ediaz for tipping us off!).  C-Quest customers, check your latest availability lists!  Let me emphasize the “captive-bred” part. …

Joe Lichtenbert and Reef Propagations, Inc. retiring

A quiet Midwestern dynasty spanning two decades is coming to a close.  After 21 years as a commercial ornamental marine fish hatchery operator, Joe Lichtenbert, proprietor of Reef Propagations, Inc., is hanging up the nets. I first became aware of…

Sustainable Collection vs. Captive Breeding – Is There Room For Both?

You’re seeing it everywhere.  “Sustainability”.  You’re going to see this buzzword-of-the-decade coming up more and more as we debate a more responsible marine aquarium trade for the future, such as Ret Talbot’s hot-off-the-presses article on PNG’s Seasmart Program in this…

Selectively bred Black Tiger Prawn is easier to raise and breed

The black tiger prawn is a delicious crustacean which was once mainly harvested from the wild. Scientists working with the CSIRO have created a new “breed” of black tiger prawn, Penaeus monodon, which is easier to breed and faster to…