Pseudanthias sp. 4 from Micronesia is a beautiful and undescribed species

Pseudanthias sp. 4 is an undescribed anthias from Palau and parts of Micronesia. Aptly called the double-bar anthias, the spectacular specimen possesses two vertical bars on it’s predominantly pink body. The fish is apparently not uncommon in the reefs of Palau…

Walking cat shark is just one of many unique species found in Raja Ampat and the Bird’s Head Peninsula.

[youtube][/youtube] The walking cat shark of Raja Ampat was recently discovered in 2006 and is just one of many incredible species found in this hotspot for diversity. From the video above it is clear where the shark gets its name…

The Rowley Shoals is home to pristine coral reefs as well as some very unique fish

[youtube][/youtube] The Rowley Shoals is a group of atolls located south of the Timor Sea, NorthWest of Australia. The undisturbed reefs of Rowley Shoals really speak for themselves in the video above. Check out the awesome male Pseudanthias tuka with…

More titillating pictures of the illustrious Cirrhilabrus nahackyi

Cirrhilabrus nahackyi has just been officially described a few days ago and here are some beautiful pictures of the species by Dr. Hiroyuki Tanaka. In case you have not heard, C. nahackyi is the newest member to join the Cirrhilabrus…

Cirrhilabrus nahackyi is a new species of labrid similar to the hooded fairy wrasse

Cirrhilabrus sp. 1, known commonly as the Nahacky’s fairy wrasse, has been officially described by Dr. Hiroyuki Tanaka and Fenton Walsch in the latest issue from the International Journal of ichthyology as Cirrhilabrus nahackyi. For a while now the “used-to-be-undesrcibed”…

A closer look at the extremely elusive Cirrhilabrus blatteus

Cirrhilabrus blatteus, more aptly named the purpled-boned fairy wrasse, is a member of the genus that is so extremely seldom seen that these handful of pictures of the fish in this post are probably some of the best out there.…

Aberrant Cirrhilabrus luteovittatus looks strikingly similar to C. aurantidorsalis

We’ve posted plenty of aberrant butterflies, angels and tangs but have you ever  wondered why we’ve not been posting any aberrant fairy wrasses? For some strange  reason, major aberrations seem to be pretty rare and nearly unheard of in  the Cirrhilabrus genus.…

Nice male Kenya fairy wrasse, Cirrhilabrus sp. 3 makes aquarium premier at Greenwich Aquaria

The Kenya fairy wrasse, Cirrhilabrus sp.3 is yet another never before seen species of exotic reef fish to get widely documented at Greenwich Aquaria before anywhere else in the country. Somewhat resembling Cirrhilabrus rubriventralis, the Kenya fairy wrasse also sports…

Male Naoko’s fairy wrasse displaying nuptial colors with frenzy

This excited Cirrhilabrus naokoae is a nuptial displaying male who is showing the peak of coloration for this species. This video produced by Kevin Kohen of LiveAquaria filmed this male Naoko’s fairy wrasse in his own display aquarium trying his…

Stubby-fin Fairy Wrasse in Alor Indonesia is probably a new species

There is a distinctive and unusual looking fairy wrasse lurking around Alor in the Lesser Sunda Islands of Indonesia. The unusual wrasse is most likely an undescribed species of Cirrhilabrus which has a dorsal fin that is unlike any other…